The city where the minimum wage is 16 million Colombian pesos


The city where the minimum wage is 16 million Colombian pesos

The promised land does exist. At least that is what all those who live in Geneva should think, a city in Switzerland that has just established the highest minimum wage in the world. From now on, every worker will receive at least a salary of 3,700 euros, that is, just over 16 million Colombian pesos per month.

The salary will exceed the 2,180 euros they receive in Australia, which leaves the mark behind by far. To approve the new minimum wage, a referendum was necessary, which he won with 58.16% of massive support. The “23 francs is the minimum” initiative was imposed in order to generate better working conditions and equity in society.

The city where the minimum wage is 16 million Colombian pesos

23 Swiss francs is similar to 21 euros per hour, which makes it the highest paid city in the world. In Colombia, the minimum wage barely exceeds 800,000 pesos, that is, 176 euros per month, something very small in relation to this country. Trade unions continue to fight for workers’ rights and seek greater social equality.
