The Army reported that in fighting in Antioquia they managed to kill six members of the E-18


These individuals would make up the security circle of alias Ramiro, the main leader of the armed group E-18. The Army reported that in fighting in Antioquia they managed to kill six members of the E-18.

Fighting in the north of Antioquia

The Seventh Army Division reported through a statement the actions that have been developed in the last hours, in which six members of the E-18 were killed.

He indicated that the residual organized group E-18 would be responsible for constant threats against the population of northern Antioquia. It revealed that these criminals installed improvised explosive devices and instigated the community to provoke the forced displacement of peasant families and the forced recruitment of minors.

In the development of joint, coordinated and inter-institutional military operations, carried out by troops from the National Army, the Colombian Air Force, the National Police, the Attorney General’s Office and following the recommendations of early warnings 029 of 2018 and 004 of 2020, led to the death during military operations of six subjects, apparently belonging to the residual GAO E-18. Similarly, there was the capture of one more subject and the seizure of war material and quartermaster“the statement said.

The operations have been carried out in the village of La Barranca, in the rural area of ​​the municipality of Ituango, Antioquia, where a strategic attack was carried out against said armed group.

Six members of the E-18

Neutralized subjects were identified as aliases Sandy or Cataleya; alias Alberto Mico, alias Camaleón and alias Camilo or Mono Puro, members of the security alias Ramiro and alias Leo or Rula, who belonged to the GAO Los Caparros and acted as a link in the criminal alliance between this organized armed group and the GAO-r E-18. In the offensive action, alias Tabares or Carepalo was also captured, who would be working in criminal logistics work within the armed structure.“, indicated the Army.

Likewise, in the military operation, 6 long rifle-type weapons, 2 machine guns, 3 short weapons, 18 suppliers, 800 cartridges, quartermaster material and items of interest for the analysis of military intelligence were seized.

The authorities revealed that it is possible that other terrorists were seriously injured by the military operation and that the operation is still ongoing.

With this result, the command and control of GAO-r E-18 is strongly affected, the terrorist actions that it intended to carry out against the communities and the Public Force are neutralized, and drug trafficking routes are also hit through the corridors illegal in the Nudo de Paramillo“, explained the Army.


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