The activities that are prohibited for Christmas and New Years | Economy


The health emergency, which has been active since last March and was initially active until this November 30, was extended until February 28, 2021, to guarantee an effective control of the pandemic in the country.

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Within the framework of this declaration, the National Government issued a new decree in which it extends until next January 16 the so-called selective isolation with individual distancing, this implies that restrictions are set in order to avoid a peak of contagion of covid- 19.

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The decree orders the closure of the land and river borders with Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and Venezuela, starting this Tuesday, December 1 and until January 16.

Likewise, the maritime borders will be reopened from this Tuesday, December 1, to gradually restore the arrivals of cruise ships and reactivate tourism.

Activities that have to do with humanitarian emergencies, cargo and merchandise transport, acts of God or force majeure, and the departure of foreign citizens from the national territory in a coordinated manner by the Special Administrative Unit Migration Colombia, with the district authorities, are excepted from this restriction. and competent municipalities.

The government also banned some activities that are common on the end of the year festivities and the consumption of intoxicating drinks in public places.

Prohibited activities:

1. Events of a public or private nature that involve crowding of people, in accordance with the provisions and protocols issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

2. Go to discos and dance venues.

3. The consumption of intoxicating beverages in public spaces and commercial establishments. The sale of intoxicating beverages is not prohibited.

In any case, the decree is clear in stating that “mayors in highly affected municipalities, with due authorization from the Ministry of the Interior and prior concept from the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, may restrict activities, areas, zones and homes that they consider pertinent for the realization of a selective and focused isolation, according to the variation in the behavior of the coronavirus pandemic ”.

