The 90 municipalities in Colombia in which the quarantine is lifted – Government – Politics


Colombia begins today to take another step on the road to the “new normal” with the green light so that 90 municipalities that have not presented cases of coronavirus begin a stage of unconfinement and leave behind, at least for now, Mandatory Preventive Isolation.

“Of the 150 municipalities that have requested the lifting of compulsory preventive isolation to boost their economy, we have granted 90 authorizations within those municipalities,” says Interior Minister Alicia Arango.

What can be done in these locations? A gradual return to economic activities but with severe restrictions: It will not be possible to hold massive events, or open restaurants, gyms or playgrounds, for example.

The Head of the Interior Ministry explained that the opening of a productive life does not mean that these 90 municipalities have free access to carry out economic activities that put their inhabitants at risk.

It may interest you: (The rules to reactivate productive life in municipalities without covid)

In addition, the minister specified that for the Government to give them authorization to lift the isolation, “this process is not automatic” and requires three steps.

“The first, the Ministry of Health has to certify that this municipality is not affected by covid. Second, the Ministry of Health has to develop biosafety protocols for that municipalityBecause we cannot forget what the President has said: first there is the health of all Colombians, ”he said.

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Regarding the third step, he stated that “the Ministry of the Interior will authorize the municipality to lift the Mandatory Preventive Isolation to boost its economy.”

However, he made it clear that once these requirements have been met, it is not the obligation of the mayors of the non-covid-19 municipalities to lift the quarantine.
I don’t know

“This is not mandatory. It is the power of the mayors and citizens if they consider that it is necessary to open their economy to begin to energize it and that the citizens begin to work and have a more normal life, “he stressed.

The news is positive, but it has a conditional. In the event that a case of covid-19 is detected, they must return to the mandatory closure, in force from March 25 to May 25.

Some of the municipalities that have already received authorization are Turbo (Antioquia), El Socorro (Santander), Mocoa (Putumayo), San José del Guaviare (Guaviare), San José de Caldas (Caldas), San Pedro (Valle del Cauca), Montañita (Caquetá), San Antero (Córdoba) , Cáqueza (Cundinamarca) and Carmen de Carupa (Cundinamarca), among others.

Among these, San Antero, on the shores of the Caribbean, was the first locality decreed by the National Government as a covid-19 free zone.

Interior Ministry authorizes the preventive lifting in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of Decree No. 636 of 2020, for the gradual reactivation of commercial establishments

However, not all municipalities will operate in the same way; Each mayor has been implementing different prevention strategies and, in the same way, in each municipality the sectors that comply with all protocols will be reactivated.

San José de Caldas, Caldas, for example, as a prevention measure, prohibited all types of circulation of private vehicles and motorcycles in the urban area, departmental and municipal roads, with some exceptions to health and the provision of necessary goods and services

As for the revival, In Turbo, Antioquia, an economic reactivation pilot was carried out for four days, during which the open stores reported sales of between 1,300 and 1,500 million of pesos, and about 1,000 employees went to work. After approval, the municipality expanded the measures to enable more merchants.

On the other hand, the mayor’s office of The aid, Santander, set up a line so that businesses are reactivated little by little, as long as they comply with all the established protocols. For now, merchants in the production, supply, storage, repair, maintenance, transport and distribution chain of the manufacturing of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, motorcycles, furniture, mattresses and bed bases are operating there.

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The manufacture, maintenance and repair of computers, peripheral equipment, communication, electronic and optical equipment, the retail trade of fuel, lubricants, additives and cleaning products for automobiles, books, newspapers, materials and stationery are also allowed. desk.

“The Ministry of the Interior authorizes the mandatory preventive lifting in accordance with the provisions of the Article 4 of Decree No. 636 of 2020, for the gradual reactivation of commercial establishments ”, indicates this entity.

(You may be interested: The municipality of Caldas without covid-19, surrounded by positive cases)

With 33 thousand inhabitants, San Antero dedicates its economy to tourism, agriculture, fishing and livestock. According to the local press, Although there are no infected patients, Mayor Lormandy Martínez assured that he will maintain the mandatory isolation measure and will order the gradual reopening of trade to activate the economy.

Meanwhile, the other municipalities in the country that did not obtain the guarantee can make efforts to obtain it.

President Iván Duque said that, if they wish, the other localities without infections can request authorization to withdraw the mandatory isolation order as long as they comply with a “strict adherence to health protocols”.

