The 29 men of Nicolás Maduro’s intelligence service who stalk Colombia – Investigative Unit


Extrajudicial executions, forced disappearances, arbitrary detentions, torture … In the middle of the week an investigation by the UN Human Rights Council was known that shook Venezuela and those who closely follow the crisis that is hitting that country, under the control of the Nicolás Maduro’s regime.

Although its foreign minister, Jorge Arreaza, came out to disqualify the investigation, which began in 2014 and which documented at least 223 cases of human rights violations, authorities from at least two countries believe that a key chapter has yet to be explored: the work of penetration and espionage of Maduro’s men to destabilize Colombia and other governments.

(We invite you to read: Maduro’s secret meetings with Iran to negotiate missiles)

Nicolas Maduro

Nicolás Maduro assured that he had infiltrated Colombian officials.

In less than 10 months, the Colombian authorities, including military intelligence and Migración Colombia, They have located and expelled at least 20 members of the fearsome Special Actions Forces of the Maduro regime (Faes) and the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebín).

According to official sources, they entered to attack opponents, spy or carry out destabilization actions.

(You may be interested in: The infiltration of Nicolás Maduro’s men in Colombia)

Faced with the offensive, Colombia advances in the possibility of changing the expulsion by judicialization. But the intelligence of the regime developed another mechanism to continue acting.


ELTIEMPO had access to the 29 identities of members of the Sebín with a Colombian Border Mobility Card.

The transfer began in 2019, and initially it was believed that they were specific and sporadic cases. But then a modus operandi was detected. Also, it does not get stuck from simple office workers

EL TIEMPO had exclusive access to a secret document that reveals the new offensive of several of the best elements (men and women) of Sebín against Colombia.

(Also: Three members of the fearsome Maduro Police are arrested in Colombia)

Colombian intelligence officials began to detect that members of that intelligence service, attached to the San Cristóbal territorial base, began to cross the border with Colombia frequently and easily. The transfer began in 2019, and initially it was believed that they were specific and sporadic cases. But then a modus operandi was detected. Also, it does not get stuck from simple office workers.

The Venezuelan spy Alejandro Olivares and his papers

These documents were found for the spy Alejandro Olivares on the day of their retention. He admitted that he paid 3 million pesos for a Colombian ID.

All 29

Willian Alexánder Márquez Pérez, deputy chief commissioner of Sebín San Cristóbal, is one of them. The presence of Felipe José Bustamante Pérez, with the same rank, and Armando Darío Guerra Ramírez, Eduardo Hernández Hernández, Gilbert René Vivas Colmenares, were also detected … The list was expanded to other members of that intelligence corps that included from chief inspectors to detectives and today 29 of them are fully detected.

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“Due to the nature of the positions they hold and the strategic location of the territorial intelligence base of San Cristóbal-Táchira state, to which they belong, it can be asserted that their work is aimed at infiltrating intelligence agencies, military and police authorities in Colombia in order to obtain privileged information from the National Government and the defense sector ”, the document reads, with the confidential label.

Maduro Men 5

In the group of 29, several women were found in the service of Sebin.

The common denominator is that all processed and obtained the so-called border mobility card (TMF) that Colombia authorized for Venezuelans residing in the neighboring country and allows their free mobility through the border areas.

This identification system began to work in May 2017, and managed to register a total of 1,637,778 foreigners. But it was suspended for the first time during the Santos government, after the discovery of 90,222 counterfeit cards for extortion purposes.

(Also: Maduro’s spy paid $ 2.5 million for Colombian ID)

His expedition was temporarily resumed. But, in February, Migración Colombia announced a new suspension and warned about the prosecution of those who falsify the cards.

Other 200

However, those used by members of the Sebín are original. In fact, EL TIEMPO established that, after consulting the Colombian Migration databases, It was validated that there is already an alert that none of the 29 Venezuelans linked to Sebín with that card is legally in Colombia.

And sources close to the entity warned that the documents that would facilitate the mobility of these people through the border area have already been suspended.

(It could be of your interest: The trail of Álex Saab in the Venezuelan espionage to Colombia)

But there is another key and revealing fact: the same suspension procedure was carried out with more than 200 people close to Nicolás Maduro’s most intimate circle, which would generate an entry restriction to the country.


Some members of Sebin already had the Mobility Card expired and were trying to manage a new one.

In the case of the 29 of the Sebín, their names were crossed with official documents of that organization that indicate the hierarchy, identity card and status of all its active members.

(You may be interested: Video of the capture of the Venezuelan military who entered La Guajira)

For the intelligence officers it is clear that obtaining the cards sought to evade the controls of Migration Colombia and police authorities.
In addition, it allowed them to move freely on the border, going unnoticed despite the health contingency of the coronavirus.

“Venezuelan spies have as a jurisdictional base Cúcuta and neighboring municipalities, from where they carry out espionage activities, illegal control of irregular passages (trails), monitoring opponents and military deserters of the regime and recruitment of collaborators,” says the report, which is in hands of President Iván Duque, who will speak on Monday before the UN General Assembly.

(You may be interested: This is how three Venezuelan gangs that dispute crime in Colombia operate)

They are based in Cúcuta, from where they carry out espionage activities, control of trails, monitoring opponents and military deserters of the regime and recruiting collaborators

And he adds: “These Venezuelan spies would also be responsible for inciting the civilian population at the border to carry out acts of subversion against the Public Force with the clear objective of generating destabilization actions and discrediting the Colombian State and other institutions”.

(See here all the articles of the Investigative Unit of EL TIEMPO)

Maduro himself admitted at the beginning of the year that he deployed an espionage device and alleged infiltration of officials in Colombia. In fact, it is being investigated whether the Gideon operation, which was supposedly planned against him, was a simple setup to splash Colombia.

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