Teacher strike could be extended according to Fecode – Education – Life


Nelson Alarcón, president of the Colombian Federation of Education Workers (Fecode), told EL TIEMPO that the teachers’ union evaluates the possibility of extending the current teacher strike that began on Tuesday, October 20.

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“We are evaluating various possibilities. If the National Government does not give concrete answers to our proposals, requests and the problems that motivated these mobilizations, in compliance with the agreements signed and agreed with Fecode last year, we will be led to make more drastic decisions and a much more extensive strike “.

In this way, the organization, which brings together the main unions of educators from around the country, could extend its cessation of activities beyond the 48 hours that were initially announced. However, the decision is not yet official.

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Similarly, it is possible that instead If the current strike is to be extended, a new strike is called in the coming weeks, which could be longer, as happened last year.

Faced with the criticism received in the last hours for carrying out a cessation of activities with mobilizations in the midst of the current health emergency, Alarcón assured that Fecode will remain focused on continuing with the strike until their requests are answered:

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I wish they were critical, but what there is is a great stigmatization towards the teachers of Colombia, but we will continue forward. We reiterate our commitment

“I wish they were critical, but what there is is a great stigmatization towards the teachers of Colombia, but we will continue forward. We reiterate our commitment. We will fulfill the youth and children. We have not stopped working on this pandemic, what’s more, our teachers have made great efforts to continue providing the educational service. “

Regarding the motivations for this strike, which are mainly in rejection of the alternation model for the gradual return to the classroom announced by the Ministry of Education, as well as the reform of the National Participation System, the union leader assured that he has not received response from the Government.

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“Unfortunately we have not seen any response. We not only have requests, we also have important proposals that have not been evaluated. It’s not that we don’t want to work, on the contrary, we have put alternatives on the table, but none have been considered. “

Marches for this Wednesday, October 21

This Wednesday the strike of teachers will continue in the main cities of the country, demonstrations to which other sectors of society such as workers’ centrals, student movements and, in the case of Bogotá, the indigenous minga will join.

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These mobilizations will take place in cities such as Bogotá, Medellín, Armenia, Pereira, Cali, Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Ibagué, among others.


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