Taxi driver in Bogotá was killed for defending his son from a robbery – Bogotá


The inhabitants of the neighborhood Verbenal from the town of Usaquén, north of Bogotá, are still dismayed after the unfortunate murder of Nilson Gomez, a beloved taxi driver from the sector, last Sunday night at the hands of a mob of 10 criminals armed with sticks and stones.

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The event had its origin when the subjects chased Nilson’s son through the streets of the neighborhood to rob him. According to what Milena Santiago Molina, daughter of the victim who was 47 years old, told CityTv, her brother was chased by criminals who, in an act of xenophobiaThey thought he was Venezuelan and that he had allegedly stolen them, which would be false.

The boy was cornered by the criminals to his home where his father, Nilson, confronted them. The mob began to attack the man with sticks, stones and kicks, leaving him dying in the middle of the road, at the height of Carrera 15 with Calle 188. Nilson died minutes later as a result of the strong blows.

CityTv had access to the security videos that are in the possession of the Sijín which show the anguishing images of the persecution of the young man and the brutal attack that the 10 criminals committed to Nilson.

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In one of the shots, the victim is seen dying on the ground, while two women help him. At that moment, one of the criminals comes back and kicks him twice in the face. The citizens get up excited and annoyed to claim the violent person for his actions.

This unfortunate event aroused the indignation of the residents in Verbenal, who with banners and barricades with burned tires, raised their voice of protest to demand justice for the death of their beloved neighbor. They demand that these cases not happen again.

For its part, the Citizen Security Operational Command of the Bogotá Metropolitan Police confirmed the capture of four of the 10 offenders responsible for the criminal attack. They are two men and two women, who are already at the disposal of the Prosecutor’s Office.

(To continue reading: Thieves from the same family robbed a cyclist in a sheaf)

The authorities confirmed that they will accompany the victim’s family, so that “they can be calm with the actions that the Prosecutor’s Office will carry out.”

Nilson’s loved ones insist on the search and capture of the other six criminals involved so that this event does not go unpunished. “He was a hard-working, homelike guy who didn’t get into conflict with anyone,” Milena describes her father.

Twitter: @BogotaET.

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