Take note! These will be the starting points of the national strike in Bogotá


Different social organizations, especially the labor unions, called the mobilization for Thursday, November 19, in order to ask the Government to comply with the list of requests. In the capital, the concentrations will start from 8:00 in the morning.

Days of protest are coming in Colombia. Not only because the unions insist that as long as the government of President Iván Duque refuses to dialogue, they will continue to mobilize, but because the first year of the national civic strike on November 21 will be completed, one of those that has marked the history of social protest .

Grass: They call another national strike for next November 19, 2020

In the case of Bogotá, the District and the conveners agreed that social organizations will march peacefully and comply with all biosafety protocols from this Thursday, November 19 to November 25, against the breaches of the National Government to the agreements established in previous demonstrations, in rejection of the murder of leaders and social leaders, and in commemoration of the first year of the death of Dilan Cruz and the Day of Non-Violence against women, among other causes.

On Thursday, the National Strike Committee will march from the Plazoleta de Ecopetrol (Carrera 13 with Calle 32), from eight in the morning. Another starting point is the National Park from 9:30 in the morning, from the Ministry of Health the protesters will march against the reform of the health system from 8:30 in the morning, and the Farc party called the mobilization from 6:00 in the morning leaving the Portal del Sur.

In all cases, the point of concentration will be the Plaza de Bolívar, where spokespersons for the different social organizations will speak to express their objections to the National Government.

The Ministry of Mobility suggested the following vehicular detours in order not to affect the activities of those who do not participate in the marches:

* Carrera 7 north-south direction, 39th street to the west and 13th street to the south.

* Carrera 7 north-south, Carrera 13 south, Calle 26 east and Carrera 10 south.

* Carrera 7 south-north direction, northeast ear 26th street with 10th street, 26th street to the west and Caracas avenue to the north, 13th street to the south, 26th street to the east and 10th street to the south.

At the Social Protest Follow-up Table, various commitments were made to avoid irregularities in the development of the mobilizations. For example, social organizations will have delegates in the Unified Command Post (PMU) and the Police must guarantee the full identification of their uniformed officers and the permanent information of detainees to the verification commissions, the Ombudsman’s Office and the Public Ministry.

The PMU will work during and after the mobilizations to have information on the whereabouts of the protection transfers that can be registered.

“We have sat down to dialogue with the organizing organizations and we reached several agreements that allow us to guarantee the right to protest and avoid any act of violence during the mobilizations. We also call for responsibility for the individual and collective care of dealers. We are still in a pandemic and we must maintain the permanent use of face masks, hand washing and social distancing to avoid a regrowth at all costs, “said Luis Ernesto Gómez, Secretary of Government.

The mobilizations will be accompanied by the coexistence managers of the Secretariat of Security, the Attorney General’s Office, the Personería, the Ombudsman’s Office, and the Police, as well as the Secretaries of Health and Women.
