Surgeon connected to a virtual audience while operating on a patient


During a virtual hearing in California, U.S
, recorded a curious scene in which a plastic surgeon connected to give an investigation in the middle of a judicial process. The unusual thing is that he tried to declare at the same time that he was operating on a patient in the operating room.

Sacramento Court Judge Gary Link was shocked when he observed this behavior. “I do not feel comfortable for the welfare of the patient,” he said.

The response of the doctor, named Scott Green, was that there was “another surgeon right here doing the surgery with meSo I can stay here and have them do the surgery too. “

Despite the explanation, Judge Link was not very happy, he told him that it did not seem appropriate and even proposed to postpone the date of the procedure to next month: “I am concerned about the well-being of the patient based on what I am seeing”.

The surgeon apologized and the appearance was finally arranged for another day.
