Support MSMEs in coronavirus Colombia: There are 7 billion pesos to be disbursed to MSMEs: Duque | Present


In his television special, this Saturday, President Iván Duque announced that the National Government’s line for the protection of MSMEs advanced and reached 90% of companies, that is, more than 147,000 micro and medium-sized companies in the country.

He assured that this week they are ready to disburse about 7 billion and that “They should have already exceeded more than 1.5 billion,” said the Colombian president.

For his part, the manager designated for the attention of COVID-19, Luis Guillermo Plata, He explained that 500,000 reagents have been purchased and are being distributed throughout the country to increase the coronavirus testing capacity.

In addition, he referred to the robots of the National Institute of Health and assured that its function is to improve the extraction and diagnosis of tests for the detection of COVID-19.

Finally, the director of the Colombian Institute for Family Welfare (ICBF), Lina Arbeláez, clarified that walks should be within 1 kilometer of the essential core of the home, regarding the departure of children and adolescents between the ages of 6 and 17 on May 11.
