Study finds weak point of the coronavirus in one of its protein spikes – Health


A team of researchers from the University of Bristol, in the United Kingdom, announced the discovery of a molecule in one of the protein projections (spikes) of the new coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 That could potentially be good news in treating this threat.

Their discoveries were published in the journal Science and they describe that in a specific structure of the new coronavirus they found a fatty acid (linoleic acid) that favors the entry of the virus into the cell.

Specifically, through chemical bonds this component allows breaking the cell membrane and penetrating its genetic material into the cells.

The study explains that linoleic acid is a fatty acid used by the virus to bind and spread in healthy cells of the body and that it is susceptible to being attacked by antiviral drugs.

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This fatty acid that is part of the Sars-CoV-2 configuration is a characteristic that could weaken the coronavirus, say the Bristol scientists.

According to the Bristol Post, the team led by Professor Christiane Schaffitzel and Imre Berger, from the Max Planck Center, in the short term their discovery could lead to better treatment of covid-19 and in the long term it could mean that they can prevent the virus from being infectious completely and “Stop the virus in its tracks” using linoleic acid itself.

However, the meaning of the Bristol researchers’ finding is not new, but rather is part of other elements already discovered that could decrease the aggressiveness of the virus in terms of infection.

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Experts explained to EL TIEMPO that since the appearance of the new coronavirus, various structural components have been found that are used as a basis for developing antibodies. and they allow us to think of therapeutic alternatives.

A few weeks ago, scientists from Northwestern University (United States) had also announced the finding of “a weak point” with which the coronavirus could be attacked before it enters the body. This so-called weak point was in the proteins that could potentially be blocked.

Months ago, Ke Wang together with colleagues from the Fourth Military Medical University in Xi’an, described that Sars-CoV-2 can bind to the CD147 protein. Once they noticed this characteristic, the researchers blocked this protein, managing to stop the spread of the virus in cell culture.

It is key to say, finally, that these are only clues and research is needed that can transform the findings into therapeutic realities.

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