Study begins with vaccines against covid-19 for volunteers in Cali – Cali – Colombia


The Secretary of Health of Cali, Miyerlandi Torres, said that this is an effectiveness study and the Center for Pediatric Infectology Studies has participated internationally to bring phase 3 of the process.

These are vaccines from pharmaceutical houses that have gone through the preliminary stages.

For the moment, Regulatory entities are expected to issue the endorsement for the study. According to specialists, these vaccines have proven their reliability. Some details are not provided because the authorization process is underway.

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The study includes the registration process for citizens who voluntarily decide to help verify the effectiveness of the vaccines that are being produced in the world.

Secretary Miyerlandi Torres said that a phase is now beginning in which 300 volunteers are selected for the analysis of effectiveness at the population level. “It is good news because it puts us in an international context and if it becomes effective we will have an immunized community.”

The Center for Pediatric Infectology Studies, under the scientific direction of doctor Eduardo López, was entrusted with the task when these vaccines have passed the first phases, in which they have shown that they are safe, that they protect, that they do not cause harm. Follow-up is for one or two years depending on the protocol.

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The effectiveness study is in the last part of validation by the regulatory entities of the country and it is estimated that a week and a half start the vaccines.

The follow-up will be between one or two years, depending on the pharmaceutical company that produces the vaccine. Volunteers can register at

When a person signs up, they are called and asked about their interest in the process, especially their ability to adhere to a follow-up process.

(In addition, you can read: First 10 million covid vaccines will be for the population at risk)

Volunteers must be 18 years or older. They may have comorbidities such as hypertension or diabetes, as long as it is controlled. They cannot be women who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant in the first few months after receiving the vaccine.


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