Statements by President Duque at Andicom 2020 – Technology News – Technology


During the inauguration of the Andicom 2020 Congress this Wednesday, President Iván Duque took stock of what his Government has done in terms of Communication and Information Technologies and pointed out that Colombia is “walking in the right direction” to be “a respected player and attracting investment” in the field of technologies.

Likewise, the president indicated that in the remaining two years of his presidency one of the purposes is that “Colombia is the Silicon Valley of Latin America” and that many of the decisions that have been made in “the regulatory framework, investment and philosophy projects of the State” are driving the country to achieve this goal.

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During the intervention that he carried out virtually, Duque stressed that thanks to the ICT Law, the country already has a reform of the legal framework for telecommunications.

Colombia is moving in the right direction to be a respected player and attract investment

On the other hand, the Head of State highlighted the work that has been carried out by INNpulsa so that from funds with State and private resources, science and technology can be connected to Colombian enterprises.

(Also: What does it mean for Colombia to have its first 5G network pilot?)

In this regard, the President pointed out that at this moment there are already 20 thousand businesses that can access the platform of the National Government to sell and promote their products and services in a virtual way, bringing them closer to the world of electronic commerce.

The president also mentioned the financing and incubation program for technology-based companies, which allows no income tax is paid for the first six years.

(Also read: Digital options for entrepreneurs during the pandemic)

Regarding education, President Duque spoke of the Sena programs that allow 300,000 young people throughout the national territory to obtain degrees in technology-related issues.

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