State of health Jorge Oñate: his son asks for a prayer for him – Music and Books – Culture


The year 2021 has not been easy for Jorge Antonio Oñate González nor for his family. The vallenato singer, since last January 18, was hospitalized at the Cesar Cardiovascular Institute after presenting a picture of high fever and symptoms that could be of coronavirus.

Although at first they thought that what he had was not delicate, his health became more complicated as the hours passed. Four days after admission to the hospital, the interpreter Hey you Y The steamroller was admitted to the Intensive care unit due to respiratory distress.

(We suggest you read: The day-to-day health of Jorge Oñate since his hospitalization)

Doctors did not confirm that the artist actually suffered from COVID-19 until January 23. At that time it was learned that Oñate was receiving invasive mechanical ventilation.

Since then there have been some days of hope for his improvement, but others of concern because his condition continues to be delicate. The Christian music, played by his daughter and son-in-law, has been his faithful companion.

They even say that thanks to that, the singer blinks trying to communicate. “That is important to us, the Lord began to do the work in Oñate,” Mario Puertas, his manager, commented excitedly.

If it is within your means, I ask you with all my heart to raise a prayer to heaven for my father Jorge Oñate

However, the latest news that was known on February 23 about Oñate indicated that after the aggressive aftermath of the coronavirus, his medical situation became complicated again and that is why he had to be transferred to Medellín.

Even this Thursday night your son, Jorge Antonio Onate, published a meaningful video in which he states that the Goldfinch of America is very serious. “He needs us to intercede for him before God. God is the only one who has the power to give him the healing he needs. To guide the specialists who are with him right now,” he said.

(Also: Jorge Oñate’s curious record in vallenato)

Jorge Onate

The young man also said that Oñate is fighting and doing his best to recover, but “he needs us to support him from the outside.” That is why he added: “If it is within your means, I ask you with all my heart to raise a prayer to heaven for my father Jorge Oñate.”

Jorge recently shared messages dedicated to his father on his social networks. One of them, for example, said: “Come on dad we’re close to overcoming this difficult testWe continue to pray, thanking God for the miracle that he has done up to now and asking him to never let go of our hands. ”

(In other news: Duque announced that the health emergency in Colombia is extended)

