Starting May 25, economic fines for life cameras start


The Secretary of Mobility, Nicolás Estupiñán announced that starting on Monday, May 25, the economic sanctions will begin for the infractions detected in the life cameras.

The cameras will electronically identify and penalize speeding, poor parking, crossing a red light, driving with a pick and a plate, not having a Soat and a current technical-mechanical review, among others.

Mainly they will be controlling that the drivers do not exceed 50 km / h, the maximum speed allowed in Bogotá. The fine for this conduct is $ 438,000.

They are 72 cameras located in the main corridors of the city such as Av. Boyacá, Carrera 68 and the NQS.

The cameras will control and monitor traffic 24 hours a day.

The life cameras will be located in high accident areas of the city with the aim of reducing the number of victims, fatal and injured, which result from non-compliance with regulations, as in the case of speeding.

