South American qualifiers: Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay and Paraguay support postponement – International Football – Sports


The South American football holds his breath and seeks support in FIFA to stop the growing position of European clubs that refuse to give in to their figures in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, ahead of the crucial double qualifying date heading to Qatar-2022 of March.

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A conclave between the Conmebol and the president of Fifa, Gianni Infantino, seeks to open the way for the double date of qualifying matches, which include the South American superclassic between Argentina and Brazil, to be played without the absence of local figures that shine in Europe.

As the virtual meeting approaches, agreed for next Monday, the movement in Conmebol increases to prepare the details of the meeting that its president will lead, Alejandro Dominguez.

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At the meeting, the associations would suggest that the double date should not be played if European clubs do not agree to give up their players, a source from the South American leadership told AFP.

“We all want to play to our fullest potential. If European clubs don’t give in, there will be a bad precedent for games in the future. We don’t want precedents of this type to be left because they are going to say from now on that their players will no longer yield “, said Justo Villar, sports manager of the Paraguayan Soccer Association (APF) to the local Channel 4.

We all want to play to our full potential. If the European clubs do not give in, it will be a bad precedent for future matches.

If the South American figures who are active in European football are left without competing in qualifying in March “We all lose. South American football loses, the players who are excited about integrating their national teams lose,” remarked Villar, exporter from Albirroja.

The double date will begin on March 25 with the Bolivia-Peru, Venezuela-Ecuador and Chile-Paraguay duels. A day later, Colombia-Brazil and the Rio de la Plata classic between Argentina and Uruguay will close date five of the road to Qatar-2022.

Also: (Qualifiers: this would be Fifa’s proposal to Conmebol).

Four days later, Ecuador-Chile, Uruguay-Bolivia, Paraguay-Colombia, Peru-Venezuela and the South American soccer superclassic Brazil-Argentina will close the double date.

As reported by the journalist Hugo Illera, from the Connection program, from Win Sports, Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay and Paraguay are the countries that want the date to be postponed, while Argentina says that it is played, because it only has four footballers in England, and two of them could be headlines.

Additionally, the theory of playing in Europe is very difficult due to the issue of training venues, concentration, epidemiological fences and the different standards in each country.

