Son of Diomedes Díaz lives difficult economic moment due to pandemic


In ‘La red’, the son of the legendary artist Vallenato said that during these months of pandemic and confinement, his work as a musician has been affected, as has had fewer shows and gigs, and this has reduced his savings to the point of putting him in a tough economic situation.

“One accustomed to daily living, thinking that these things are not going to happen,” said the also musician in the gossip program, where he specified that “it was left on the tables”, because during the last months he took money out of his savings without making any income.

Even, Díaz continued in his story, He leaned on his wife, who has not been without work in this time of economic crisis and pandemic.

In the entertainment program, the artist emphasized that neither he nor his brothers have large amounts of money, because none of them inherited the supposed fortune for which, according to him, it is rumored that the family of ‘El Cacique de La Junta’ is a millionaire. (One of his widows, Consuelo Martínez, has also spoken about this).

But the family of Diomedes Díaz (whose 4 wives he had is known to look like) has not only been affected by financial problems during the pandemic. Diomedes Dionisio himself pointed out, last month, that 12 loved ones have died from coronavirus.

Next, the statements of the artist’s son in ‘La red’:
