Six young people who hitchhiked to Cartagena are missing in Antioquia


The mayor’s office of Valdivia (Antioquia), where the youths allegedly disappeared, published their photos and set up a telephone line in case any residents have information about them.

Since last Saturday, February 27, the whereabouts of six young people who left Ansermo (Caldas) for Cartagena with the dream of knowing the sea is unknown. Apparently, these people reached the village of Puerto Valdivia, in the municipality of Valdivia (Antioquia), where they disappeared.

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Mauricio Ramírez Osorio, José David Valencia Ramírez, Cristian Luna Valencia, Andrés Fernando Valencia, Cristian Daniel Rendón Cardona and Emmanuel Aguirre are the names of these six men, according to the mayor of Valdivia.

The mayor of this municipality published the photo of the young people on social networks and asked the general population to communicate through a telephone number (3136850259) or through social networks if they have information about their whereabouts.

The boys had the idea of ​​reaching Cartagena by hitchhiking, with the help of truck drivers that travel along the roads that go to the Colombian Caribbean coast.

Milena Ramírez, mother of José David Valencia, 15, and sister of Mauricio, 21, said that Saturday was the last time they spoke to them and that since then the cell phones were turned off. “There we generated uncertainty, because my son never stops communicating with me,” Ramírez told Blue radio.

“They have called intermittently, with very strange calls speaking as if they were supposed to be working, but apparently they are being held over there,” Ramírez told the same radio station.

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Both the highway authorities and the Police began the search for these six young people and it is hoped that the community can help find them by publishing the photographs and names.
