Silvano Oblitas: key clues to the murder of the Peruvian thrown from a bridge in Colombia – Other Cities – Colombia


Huanuco, a small town located in the center of Peru, He has not stopped crying on account of a video that went viral on social networks and that is starred by one of his own.

The scene is terrifying. There is no other adjective to describe the way the young Peruvian died Silvano Cántaro Tolentino, who was thrown from a bridge by a man who asked him where he was from.

(What’s more: ‘They killed him in a cruel way’: sister of a young Peruvian)

Silvano, leaning on the railing of a bridge in Merchants, Cauca, He replied that he was from Huánuco, Peru. The young man looked calm, he was confident. His companions, apparently, did not represent any danger to him.

A few moments later the man who asked him the question grabbed him by the legs and chest and threw him into the void. Later he threw away the belongings of the 19-year-old Peruvian and said: “Erase it, what died died”.

The fact was recorded in a video that went viral on social networks and is one of the main tests of the investigators to find the whereabouts of those responsible.

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But the video, which is 29 seconds long, too It was the way his family in Peru found out what happened to Jackiel, as they affectionately called him.

After days of pleading and lamenting from relatives to find out the fate of their loved one, because in reality they did not know where the event happened, On Saturday, February 20, a lifeless body was found at the bottom of an abyss in Mercaderes.

The body corresponded to the characteristics of the young Peruvian, so his relatives traveled to Colombia to carry out DNA tests and to recognize the body. And before arriving in the country they knew that it was his relative.

“It is clear that it is him, by his voice and his clothes,” said Janeth Cántaro, his sister, to the Peruvian newspaper El Comercio.

(Read also: Body of the Peruvian thrown from a bridge will be repatriated this Wednesday)

Silvano Cántaro Case

These two men were the ones with whom the young Peruvian Silvano Cántaro traveled to Colombia. One would be Colombian and would be called Andrés. The other would be Venezuelan.

At first, the lifeless body was in Popayán, but it was finally transferred to Cali. Two of his brothers, Elder and Janeth, recognized him thanks to a tattoo on one of his ankles.

This Wednesday his brothers returned to Peru with the body. During his passage through Colombia they thanked the authorities but called for justice.

The tragedy of Silvano and his family began on January 25 of this year when the young man traveled to Colombia from Lima – where he had lived for three years – with two acquaintances, who would be a Venezuelan and a Colombian, who would be called Andrés, to do business. This is how Silvano told his family.

For the authorities, Both Peruvian and Colombian, it is key to find these two people, because in addition to being suspects, they would help solve the case.

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The young man worked as a stevedore (cotero) in a market place and managed to save around 5,000 soles (almost five million pesos) to start his business.

He wanted to know Colombia, the land of James Rodríguez, one of his idols, but he also wanted to help his family financially.

I put my life in the hands of God, because I know that with him I will lack nothing

The idea was to get to Medellín to buy clothes and then take them to Peru to sell them. The goal of the youth group was to have their own business.

“They took him saying that the clothes there were cheap and that here (Peru) they are going to resell and have a greater profit. With this deception they have taken my brother and my brother excitedly left ”, related his relatives days before finding the body.

“I put my life in the hands of God, because I know that with him nothing will be lacking,” the young man wrote on his Facebook profile before leaving.

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The trip was by land, crossing Ecuador and crossing the Colombian southwest until reaching the capital of Antioquia. The young people have entered the national territory in an irregular manner.

Some videos uploaded on social networks show Cántaro accompanied by two other people traveling the carts. In one of these, they are in a park where they can see Colombian-style taxis in the background. However, the exact location is unknown.

“Get caught up, get caught up in Colombia … what’s wrong with you, partner?” Is observed in a video that Silvano shared from a highway in the company of another young man.

Family members say that, after arriving in Medellín, In the first days of February, they always communicated with him, who told them that he was fine.

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Silvano Cántaro Case

Silvano, left, with one of his companions during the trip to Medellín

But on February 10 they had the last communication. That day Silvano was uneasy because, he told his family, his money was stolen and he had no way to return to his country.

The family has evidence that Silvano was indeed in Medellín thanks to a follow-up on his cell phone. In this one you can see a route from the northeast of the capital of Antioquia, passing through El Poblado and going towards the commune of Guayabal. It is presumed that he would have stayed there.

But what happened in Medellín is still a mystery and only the authorities, who have been following the Peruvian’s trail for a week, have information about it.

His sister Janeth says that the last time he spoke with his brother, he let him know that the Colombian who took him left him on the street, without food and did not know where to go.

That last communication was through WhatsApp. “How do I, I’m docked here?” “I don’t have anyone, otherwise I wouldn’t tell you anything.” “do Please don’t let Janeth fall as possible ”. “I’m going to go down with everything.”

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Janeth replied that she had no way of getting money.

At that moment they lost communication and four days passed until on Sunday, February 14, a neighbor showed them the video, on Tik Tok, in which Silvano was thrown into the void. They thought it was a joke, but no. It was him, he had the same clothes, his gestures, his voice. It was his face.

Still not clear yes Silvano yes he separated in Medellín from the two people with whom he left Peru and with whom he actually arrived in Colombia, as the videos show.

Where they found the body, everything indicates that the young man was on his way home, since that is the road to Ecuador, and that same bridge would be from where he was launched.

To get to Mercaderes from Medellín in an uninterrupted trip takes more than 14 hours, since it is a distance of 689 kilometers. Nevertheless, It is presumed that the young people did not use public transport in all cases, so they would have resorted to mules to throw them away. With this, the trip could take up to two days.

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It is unknown, until now, when the video was recorded and when the events would have occurred, but taking into account the last communication that the family had with Silvano, the date the video was published and the two days it took to get to Cauca, the events would have occurred between February 12 and 14.

Investigators have not released further details. Until now it is known that the process began in Medellín, the city where the disappearance was reported, but the file was transferred to Popayán, since the homicide was committed in Cauca.

To advance this process, a specialized team from the CTI arrived in the capital of Cauca.

The family, for its part and from a distance, has been moving through social networks to find the whereabouts of those responsible.

There are those who have told them that they continued on their way and left Colombia. This they would have done irregularly, just as they entered.

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Although it is not clear who the man is who throws Silvano, the authorities are after the two men who appear in the videos that they published days before on social networks on the roads. These would be the Venezuelan and the Colombian whom they identify as Andrés.

“The only thing we have as proof is the video, they are thought to be Venezuelans. Although we are grateful to find it, There remains a great task, which is to continue looking for the guilty and make them pay for what they did, ”Janeth told EL TIEMPO.

Commotion in Huánuco

Since in this city of no more than 200,000 people they saw the video of Silvano’s death, they have held several demonstrations to demand that the Colombian and Peruvian authorities have justice.

Through the streets of this city, summoned by relatives, hundreds of people have marched and cried for Silvano.

“No one can kill us for being Peruvian.” “Venezuelans out”,
were some of the slogans of the conference.

But the protests have not only been in this population, they also moved to Lima, where hundreds of Peruvians have gone to the Venezuelan embassy to repudiate the fact. The demonstrations have ended violently.

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There have even been cases of xenophobia, which has generated reactions from the Venezuelan government. In the streets of Lima, messages such as “shitty poisons” were seen.

“Venezuela demands that Peru comply with the Vienna Conventions and guarantee the protection of its Diplomatic and Consular Mission in Lima, while rejecting the xenophobic campaigns against Venezuelans in Peru and condemning the murder of a Peruvian citizen in Colombia,” said the Chancellor Jorge Arreaza.

Nation Editor
[email protected]
On Twitter: @teomagar

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