Sexual abuse: music teacher captured in Bogotá – Crimes – Justice


The director of the Bogotá sectional prosecutor’s office, José Manuel Martínez Malaver, confirmed on Sunday night that the prosecution of a university music professor was achieved, “who, using his quality, sexually abused several of his students“, he pointed.

Professor Leonardo Guevara Díaz was captured by CTI officials of the Prosecutor’s Office in the Pasadena neighborhood, located north of Bogotá.

“The man cheated on his students – from different universities – telling them that they could improve their singing through massages and chakra unlocking“said the prosecutor Martínez.

The investigators managed to specify that Guevara Díaz summoned the women to his house, located in the Gratamira neighborhood of the town of Suba, “where he took advantage of them by touching them and carnally accessing them“said the sectional prosecutor.

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Guevara Díaz was charged with Violent carnal access, violent sexual act and carnal access with a person incapable of resisting. A guarantee control judge sent him to jail.

He took the women to “a room with an esoteric atmosphere, with a stretcher, where he began to massage them from the neck to their private parts.

Investigators were able to establish that Guevara, 54, between 2008 and 2019, earned the trust of his victims by arguing that he improved their voices.

Already at home he offered them a tea, “they would exercise and then I would tell them to change into a gown”, se reads in a statement from the Prosecutor’s Office.

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The accusing body points out, which is presumed to have taken the women to “a room with an esoteric atmosphere, with a stretcher, where he began to massage them from the neck to their private parts “.

The Prosecutor’s Office says that Guevara on several occasions had carnally consented to the students.

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The Prosecutor’s Office associated the cases of 11 victims, all from different universities, who would have been deceived by the musician.

