Seventh and eighth part of Mission Impossible postponed to 2021 and 2022


The global pandemic of the Covid-19 coronavirus completely paralyzed the recordings that started in Italy.

Apr 25, 2020 1:31 PMBy:

Paramount Studios announced that premieres of installments number seven and eight of the Mission Impossible saga will be postponed until the end of 2021 and 2022 respectively, due to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic that completely paralyzed the recordings.

The Mission Impossible 7 team was starting the recording with the American actor Tom Cruise as the protagonist in the Italian city of Venice during February, when the alert for the expansion of the coronavirus in that territory was issued, making it one of the first productions to be totally interrupted by the pandemic.

Mission Impossible was slated to hit theaters in July 2021, but will now do so on November 19. For its part, the eighth installment will be released on November 4, 2022, three months later of the initially planned date.

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Paramount He admitted that he could not finish the films for the previously agreed dates and postponed for a whole year the release of Paw Patrol until August 20, 2021 and the apocalyptic thriller Dungeons and Dragons until July 23, also in 2021. In addition, Hollywood has postponed several releases due to the closing of theaters.

Christopher McQuarrie, who was in charge of the installments released during 2015 and 2015, will also direct the seventh and eighth parts. The six Mission Impossible movies grossed over $ 3.5 billion around the world.

In addition to Tom Cruise, Mission Impossible 7 also includes Rebecca Ferguson, Nicholas Hoult, Vanessa Kirby and Simon Pegg.

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