Seven dead and 9 injured after landslide in Puerto Valdivia, Antioquia – Medellín – Colombia


A landslide in the Cachirime village, in Puerto Valdivia, a district of the Antioquia municipality of Valdivia, caused the death of at least seven people who were in a nightclub.

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So far, operational entities have rescued 7 dead bodies and 9 wounded that were transferred to assistance centers in Valdivia and Yarumal.

According to the preliminary report, about 20 people were trapped in a nightclub in the village of Puerto Valdivia, after a landslide was recorded.

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The mayor of Puerto Valdivia, Olga Arroyave, He said that in addition to the 7 dead and 11 injured by a landslide, the search for 5 other people who would be trapped is being advanced.

For his part, Jaime Enrique Gómez, director of Risk Management, assured that relief agencies are in place to determine if there are more people trapped in the middle of the earth and mud.

A landslide occurred in Puerto Valdivia, which falls on a commercial establishment. They inform me that they have already rescued seven deceased people and transferred eleven to the Valdivia hospital. The search for more people continues, “he said.

In turn, Governor Aníbal Gaviria said that he learned of the situation at 2:50 in the morning, and requested the collaboration of the people around the landslide.

“The call that I make is to the citizens around the area not to agglomerate, because there are still possibilities in these places of new landslides, so that they leave the search and rescue work only to the specialists of the subject”, Gaviria said.

General Juan Carlos Ramírez, commander of the Army’s Seventh Division, indicated that troops traveled to Puerto Valdivia to guarantee security and support “To relief agencies in the emergency caused by heavy rains.”

The trunk to the Caribbean Coast remains closed while the search for more possible victims continues.

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News in development …
