Sergio Fajardo and a “metaphor” that nobody understood


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The presidential candidate acknowledged that his trill with the image of two buttered plates and a dirty one went quite wrong.

During the morning tweet, the hot political issue was the request of the Prosecutor’s Office to preclude the investigation against Álvaro Uribe Vélez; In the afternoon, it was a strange tweet published by the presidential candidate Sergio Fajardo. A photo with three plates: two at the ends, with a stick of butter each and, in the center, a dirty and empty plate.

The problem was that, faced with a rather unintelligible image, no one knew what the leader of the Citizen Commitment meant and the criticism fell like rain in Bogotá in recent days. The tweeters began to do, in a sarcastic way, the same exercise as Fajardo, but putting in that middle plate topics with which they criticize him, such as whales or Hidroituango.

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Several opposition congressmen even criticized his publication made on the same day that the Prosecutor’s Office decided to request the preclusion of the investigation against the former president. “Not a word about the kneeling of the rule of law. Not a syllable about the triumph of the Uribista mafia over justice. Just tepid little games to wash your hands and skip over the big issues. And about the metaphor, I see that the center is very messy, ”commented Senator Gustavo Bolívar.

“The day the prosecution asked to preclude the process against Álvaro Uribe @sergio_fajardo came out with three dishes. With this man definitely #NoSePuede ”, said the green representative Inti Asprilla. Senator Gustavo Petro also commented on the matter: “In the central plate, will I find a phrase about the degradation of justice that prosecutor Jaimes has produced to save his political boss, Mr. Uribe Vélez? Any word? Any lyrics? Just empty? Just an empty target?

At the end of the day, Fajardo, in a new tweet, acknowledged that his “metaphor” had gone bad enough, apologized and explained that what he meant was that the extremes were alike “in their ways.” “Sometimes metaphors go wrong and today mine did. I wanted to show how the extremes are alike in their forms and that they are a minority. Most of us want to build, respecting the different, without anger and violence. My apologies, have a happy weekend. “
