Senators ask to close borders with the United Kingdom due to new strain of COVID-19


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This new strain of the virus would be much more contagious and is out of control on the English island. That is why it was requested to restrict flights between the two countries.

According to UK Health Minister Matt Hancock, a new strain of COVID-19 identified on the island is out of control. It is presumed that this variant of the new coronavirus is 70% more contagious, which is why even the World Health Organization asked to “reinforce controls.” Although it is worth clarifying that no elements have been found that suggest that it is more deadly or with stronger symptoms.

For this reason, different countries have begun to close air borders with the island to prevent the spread of this variant of COVID. Although Colombia has not done so so far, the Senate has begun to ask that flights coming from the United Kingdom be banned for the moment.

Can see: Several countries suspend UK flights over COVID-19 variant

Senator Mauricio Gómez Amín, from the Liberal Party, asked the Executive “to temporarily suspend Colombia’s direct air connection with England.” According to the congressman, “it is extremely important that this measure be taken as soon as possible to foresee the spread of a new strain of the virus in our country, where we are currently presenting a reponte in contagion rates.”

According to the request, this measure should be maintained until in England there is a decrease in reported cases of the new strain and vaccination against COVID-19 becomes widespread. “The duty is to protect Colombians and take preventive and necessary measures in this regard,” said the liberal, who added that the country is at the right time to make this determination.

The countries that have cut travel with the United Kingdom so far are the Netherlands, which extended the ban until January 1, and Belgium and Italy. In the German case, the government would have among its plans to apply this measure both for flights from the United Kingdom and South Africa.

In addition to the cases detected on the island, this contagious variety has also been found in Denmark, with 9 cases; and the Netherlands and Australia, the latter with one reported case. It was because of this strain that Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced over the weekend that London and the south-east of England should return to strict confinement.
