Senator Manguito is expelled from his political party – Political Parties – Politics


Congressman Jonatan Tamayo made a leap from Petrism to Uribism.

Senator cuff

Jonatan Tamayo, Manguito, until this Friday, senator of the ASI.


Jonatan Tamayo Press


04 December 2020, 07:11 am

The senator Jonatan Tamayo, known as Manguito, He was expelled from the Independent Social Alliance (ASI), his old party, which punishes him for having taken that unusual leap from having gone from Petrism to Uribism.

The community reported on the morning of this Friday that the decision was made by the National Ethics Disciplinary Tribunal.

(Also read: The scandals of Senator Eduardo Pulgar)

According to this entity of the ASI, Tamayo committed “serious statutory offenses”.

According to the ASI party, the decision is due to the fact that the congressman did not abide by the programmatic, disciplinary, programmatic, statutory and political-electoral guidelines.

Manguito had been sued by members of the List of Decency and the UP, They considered that the senator violated the regime of disqualifications and conflict of interest for not having aligned himself with the other movements of the coalition, who declared themselves in opposition to the Government.

(In other news: The four ‘Christmas gifts’ that Uribe raised for 2021)

Basically, the plaintiffs alleged that, despite the fact that Senator Manguito was elected by the List of Decency, a sector declared in opposition, he declared himself in government and has supported, together with the Democratic Center, the positions of President Iván Duque.

(Also read: Liberal Party says the government cut aid for public university)


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