Senate reverses and cancels purchase of 10,000 face masks that would cost $ 180 million


The Administrative Directorate wanted to move the process forward, despite the fact that the congressmen are meeting virtually and many have refrained from resuming their functions in the National Capitol.

The Senate argued that it must ensure the protection and safety of all officials and contractors, in addition to the integrity of the medical personnel who perform functions in the entity, as well as parliamentarians.
EFE File – Reference

While the Senate of the Republic I was planning to buy 10,000 face masks Of the reference N95 (more specialized than the common ones and with filters), this Monday had to back down due to controversy not just around its value ($ 18,000 each), but in the face of criticism that they are not meeting in person and should be the same parliamentarians who pay for them.

Currently, the Upper House was carrying out a process, through Colombia Efficient Purchase, to acquire 10,000 surgical masks worth $ 180 million for senators, as well as officials and contractors, despite the fact that the congressmen they are virtually in session and many have refrained from resuming functions on the National Capitol.

Also read: Government to congressmen: “No one has said that their mobility is restricted”

As argued Astrid Salamanca, administrative director of the Senate, it was decided to cancel the purchase process before “the observations presented”. He argued that the number of face masks was estimated at number of officials and contractors and its use “in accordance with the progressive reactivation of face-to-face activities, with a provision for existence until December 2020.”

However, he defended that “The protection and safety of all officials, contractors must be ensured, administrative, archival, and customer service personnel and that of all their families, in addition to the integrity of the medical personnel who perform functions, as well as the senators. ”

Salamanca also maintained that the purchase of all the protection elements will be based on the biosecurity protocol and regulations, which defined that it is applicable to all employers and workers in the public and private sector.

It is now expected to expand consultations with the National Institute of Health “in pursuit of safeguard the integrity of the entity’s human talent and purchasing conditions. ”

The process was in the eye of the hurricane at the unit price of each face mask ($ 18,000), Despite the fact that in the market and due to high demand, it can be obtained between $ 7,000 and $ 10,000. Furthermore, it was criticized that they should be paid for by the parliamentarians themselves.


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Political Writing – [email protected]


Senate reverses and cancels purchase of 10,000 face masks that would cost $ 180 million



