Selective isolation in Colombia will extend throughout the month of October – Government – Politics


During the ‘Prevention and Action’ program, President Iván Duque assured that the selective isolation stage, which started in early September, will last throughout the month of October.

Decree 1168 established that, initially, this new phase would go from the September 1, 2020 until zero hours (00:00 am) on October 1, 2020.

“The same rules that we have carried out this September for the month of October are maintained with an emphasis on preventing agglomerations. That depends on us by complying with responsible individual distancing,” said the president.

(Can read: They find a characteristic of covid that opens the door to new treatments)

The Vice Minister of Health Luis Alexander Moscoso, for his part, emphasized that the pandemic has not ended and that is why it depends on the citizen’s commitment to prevent an increase in coronavirus infections.

According to the report of the Ministry of Health this Monday, in the last 24 hours, 5,147 new patients were diagnosed with the virus, after 31,258 tests were performed.

“We come in a significant and constant decrease in cases and deaths in the country (..) This is configured in the country as a slow and progressive decline, but there are cities like Bogotá and Medellín that are static. At the same time there are municipalities that we are concerned about their peaks, “said Moscoso.

Piedecuesta, Floridablanca, Envigado, Bello, Apartadó and Cali They show an increase in their cases that, according to the official, have not been generated in the openings but in situations that generate crowds.

(You can also see: Time for a smarter fight against covid-19)

On the other hand, in the broadcast, the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, spoke about the election of Colombia to the presidency of the board of directors of the Pan American Health Organization.

The representation of the country will be in charge of Ruiz during the virtual sessions that will take place between September 28 and 29.

“Today 40 ministers from the region of the American continent met to review what the development process should be for the attention of covid-19. Regarding the finances of the WHO we had good news, such as the leverage of 200 million working capital that the vaccine fund has, “said the minister. Ruiz assured that this Tuesday they will discuss how the countries of the region will have access to the covid-19 vaccine.

(Further: What is Covax, the mechanism by which Colombia will have covid vaccines?)

“It is the first time that Colombia presides over this important board of directors in almost 20 years. The election has been a recognition of the efforts that have been made in the country to handle the covid-19 pandemic and the strategy that the Ministry of Health designed” , stated President Duque.

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