Scorpio – Wednesday, May 6, 2020: get ready for a touch of fortune | Scorpio Horoscopes


Astrological newscast: the Moon passes through the sign of Scorpio on the eve of the supermoon that will occur tomorrow precisely in that sign, the full moon or full moon in May. We are under the numerological vibration of the six, which indicates love, home, family, the maternal image and under the effluvium of the star rain of the Eta Aquarids. All the planets are direct except for your ruler, the planetoid Pluto, which continues retrograde in Capricorn. Your Mars co-regent is still in Aquarius.

There is a touch of fortune spinning around so this is the time to tempt chance and launch into all those adventures that can give you money and prosperity.

The proverbial scorpion intuition will help you not only in economic or labor matters but also in sentimental ones.

The influence of your co-ruler, Mars, direct, compensates for Pluto’s retrograde action and activates your internal resources. Don’t neglect your hunches, something good is coming.

The Eta Aquarids arrive with the last supermoon of the year 2020


You are inspired, Scorpio, and that is beautiful since it fills you with enthusiasm and joy. The emotional situations that caused you conflicts in the past have been left behind and now with this new cycle in front of you you can solve many emotional problems and direct your life in an appropriate way.

There is a harmonic tone in your horoscope associated with your health issues. You regain the balance you may have lost due to the retrograde action of your ruler Pluto these days.

Are you looking for a job? Take advantage of this planetary juncture in reviewing your papers, summaries and documents. Prepare an appropriate file if you are looking for a job and have an appointment or job interview at the beginning of the next week.

Tarot: the spread of the 21 cards


Money and fortune
Due to Pluto’s retrograde action this Wednesday you should be very careful. There is a propensity to act impulsively on this day. You can experiment in everything, but do not play with your money because the momentary impulses could cost you dearly if you let go of the money that is entering you with the other.

Today’s astral biorhythm
Sexual energy level this Wednesday: intense.
Cosmic dynamics that you must take advantage of: the charisma that surrounds you and that impacts everyone you meet.
Today’s dangerous trend in your Scorpio sign: involuntary indiscretion.
What should I avoid ?: Dominant, possessive or jealous attitudes.

Quote of the day: if what you are going to say is not more important than silence, it is preferable that you do not open your mouth.

Couple prediction for Wednesday Wednesday
Today’s best relationship: This Wednesday there is good compatibility with Cancer and Pisces.
The most tense relationship: avoid arguing with fire signs, especially with Aries.
Your current compatibility: you are in good tone with the signs of water, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
If you are single or single: during these next days of May you will experience different emotions with very interesting people who will leave traces in your life.


You will have to be patient
