Schedule yourself! Cali Philharmonic Orchestra will offer virtual concert


The soprano Karolyn Rosero and the mezzo-soprano Fiorella Hincapié are the special guests at the concert that the Cali Philharmonic Orchestra will offer, in homage to maestro Antonio María Valencia.

The teacher Rosero has been the winner of several national competitions and received a scholarship to carry out her postgraduate course in Lyric Singing in Europe.

For her part, the teacher Hincapié studied and made her debut as a mezzo-soprano in Germany. She has made presentations in multiple countries and has received several recognitions for her work.

Although their routes are different, both had a point in common: the first encounter with music took place at the Antonio María Valencia Conservatory, an institution that bears the name of the teacher who founded it and who will be honored with the concert.

Maestro Valencia was responsible for laying the foundations of the first Cali Symphony Orchestra, which over time became the only professional orchestra in southwestern Colombia.

It was called Sinfónica del Valle and later it changed its name to Orquesta Filarmónica de Cali. Today it accumulates more than 80 years of tradition.

In addition to the concert, the homage to the teacher includes a discussion about his life and work, which will serve as a prelude to the musical presentation.

The director, composer and pedagogue Alberto Guzmán will talk with the director of Proartes, Isabel Restrepo, and with the main oboist of the Orchestra, John Eduard Lozano.

They will talk about the importance of Antonio María Valencia and the need to promote the creations of national composers in the current context.

The appointment is this Saturday, September 5, at 6:30 pm, through a Facebook Live from the Orchestra account.

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