Sara Sofía: witness would have seen the minor in Bucaramanga – Santander – Colombia


A witness revealed to EL TIEMPO this Tuesday that he believes he has seen a girl who corresponds to Sara Sofía Galván – the minor who disappeared in Bogotá since last January Floridablanca, a municipality in the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga.

(It may interest you: Is Sara Sofía in Bucaramanga? This is what is known)

The event would have occurred eight days ago, last Tuesday, March 23.

The girl was wearing a ruana like brown wool, the kind that have a hood, and the woman who wore it also had a brown jacket. Which was strange to me because it was midday and it was hot, ”says the witness.

The woman and the minor were in a neighborhood in the south of the Bucaramanga metropolitan area.

“He was carrying a suitcase and the girl was like sobbing. I saw her eyes, they were very clear and I remember thinking ‘what a beautiful girl’ “, clarifies the witness.

(Also read: The photomultic camera that is a headache for travelers)

The witness assures that the physical features of the woman who carried the child did not resemble the girl at all. “Until now that I saw the photo and they said it was in Bucaramanga, I realized that it was her,” says the witness.

On this, General Javier Martín, commander of the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Police, pointed out that they have received multiple information about the minor’s whereabouts.

We have a considerable number of information that has come to us from people, but it could be presented that we are falling into speculation, since people with a collaborative spirit are supplying information that must be verified. So far, it has not given us a positive result, “said the general.

This Tuesday, March 30, Xiomara Galván, aunt of Sara Sofía, the minor who disappeared in Bogotá, assured that she received a call from a man who told her that the girl was in Bucaramanga.

“I got a call from a man, He told me that the girl had been sold in Bucaramanga, but he couldn’t tell me more because behind the case there were very dangerous people, “said Galván.

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Once these statements were known, the Bucaramanga authorities called an extraordinary meeting with the intelligence group to verify the information provided by the aunt.


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