Sara Sofia | They capture the mother of a missing girl and her partner – Bogotá


At dawn this Thursday a special group of the Judicial Police, made up of CTI, Sijín and Gaula, captured Carolina Galvan, mother of the missing girl Sara Sofía Galván, and his sentimental partner Nilson Diaz.

According to the statements of the prosecutor francisco barbosa, both he and the director of the National Police, General Jorge Luis Vargas, were aware of the operation, the result of which was the capture of the main suspects in the disappearance of the 23-month-old girl.

(Also read: Ex-partner speaks of the girl’s mother Sara Sofía, who disappeared in Bogotá)

Carolina Galván and her partner will be presented before a guarantee control judge. At a hearing, the detainees will be processed by the crime of enforced disappearance.

In addition, the Prosecutor also assured that they have the probative material that allows them to realize that the couple is the responsable of the disappearance of the minor.

“The Office of the Attorney General of the Nation has material probative elements, physical evidence that allows us to reach these results and to be able to achieve the capture of these subjects,” Barbosa said.

(Also: Who is the man who was with Sara Sofía’s mother before her disappearance?)

BarbosaStatement from prosecutor Barbosa on the capture of Sara Sofía’s mother.

Attorney Barbosa

Statements by the prosecutor Barbosa on the capture of Sara Sofía’s mother.

Sara Sofía disappeared on January 15 in the town of Kennedy, when her mother, Carolina Galván, went for her to the house of her sister Xiomara, who had her temporary custody.

Days later, exactly from February 5, Xiomara he lost communication with his sister and had no further information on either of them. So he decided to search for the girl and her mother through social media posts.

(More on this case: The hypotheses that are handled by the disappearance of Sara Sofía)

Since the case became known to the public opinion, the authorities began the search for Sara Sofía. The Bogotá Metropolitan Police deployed a multidisciplinary team to find her. The work has been in charge of the rescue groups, Childhood and Adolescence, intelligence, judicial and, in addition, the Gaula of the institution.

Several men have risked their lives while carrying out the aquatic rescue procedure on the slope of the Tunjuelito River between the towns of Bosa and Kennedy. Even with drones they try to look for a trace.

Sara sofia search

Search team for Sara Sofía Galván in the Tunjuelito River.


Milton Diaz. TIME

During the investigation Carolina, Sara Sofía’s mother, has plunged the girl’s relatives and the authorities into a sea of ​​confusion, as she has given two versions of what happened with her little daughter, whom she took from her home sister, Xiomara Galván, who had legal temporary custody. Confident that the woman would take good care of the baby, she let him take her away for a short time. In fact, during that time he answered her calls, and even had the opportunity to speak with the baby. All that changed on February 5, when, from one moment to the next, it was impossible to establish any kind of communication with the little girl’s mother again.

But when he finally thought that he would know something about his whereabouts, he found different versions. The first thing she told him was that Sara Sofía had died after giving him a lunch and that, scared for this reason, she decided to throw her body into the Tunjuelito River.

The same woman took the authorities to that place, who began to search the place she indicated. However, this task seems fruitless, considering that, if this version were true, the little girl would have been thrown there about a month ago.

However, in the middle of their investigation, CTI detectives informed the little girl’s family that in an interview in the Patio Bonito sector, where Carolina was found, this woman changed her version. He did it when they were investigating a man who was supposedly a sentimental partner of Carolina.

The mother said that she had given the girl to a lady who had taken care of her. The family asks that the security cameras near Corabastos as well as in the Tunjuelito river area be reviewed, to understand what happened

Throughout the accusations of Sara Sofía’s aunt, Xiomara Galván, one person was repeatedly mentioned: Nilson Diaz, then partner of Carolina Galván, mother of Sara Sofía. According to the minor’s aunt, the man is a pimp, he led her into prostitution and sexually exploited her. However, Díaz broke his silence and gave clues about what would have happened to Sara Sofía.

He said that once Carolina took Sara Sofía, she led her to the house where he lived with his four children. Díaz made it clear that he did not plan to take care of the girl or help her with her, if at all on weekends, so he insisted that he leave her where her sister. To which the mother of the minor refused. “We had a romantic relationship until January 15, when she brought the girl home and wanted to lay the obligation on me. I am a mother and father of four children, I did not find a permanent or stable job, “he said.

“The last time I saw Sara Sofía was at the end of January, she was fine,” added Díaz.

Today these are the same people who will have to answer to justice what happened to the girl.

Other chronicles of the day:

– The story behind the death of Zarco, from The Rose Seller

– The drama that a family lives in custody of their children

– The archer who left Esmad to be the heroine of female America

