Sara Sofía case: the girl’s mother and her ex-boyfriend will await the trial for disappearance in jail


After being captured last Thursday, Carolina Galván and Nilson Díaz were charged with aggravated forced disappearance. Today, a guarantee control judge sent them to prison. Here we tell you point by point what is known about the disappearance of the girl with blue eyes. Chronology.

The disappearance of Sara Sofía Galván was reported to the Prosecutor’s Office in mid-February. However, it was at the beginning of this week that the name of the little girl, of two years, began to sound throughout the city. Since then, multiple versions have been heard around the strange event (which include from his death to an alleged human trafficking), in which, despite having suspects and captured, it has not been possible to find his whereabouts.

Here we reconstruct the timeline of what has been known from the moment of the disappearance, the complaint and the capture of the main suspects, who will have to wait in prison for the judicial development of this story.

Last quarter of 2020: Xiomara Galván, the girl’s aunt, is left in charge of Sara Sofía, because in the garden they noticed that she is neglected and poorly fed. The mother left her voluntarily.

September 2020: Nilson Díaz meets Carolina Galván, the little girl’s mother. She offers him to stay at her house and then they end up in a romantic relationship, Nilson told Xiomara.

January 15: Carolina Galván, Sara’s mother, went to Xiomara’s house to pick up the girl. He said he wanted to spend a few days with her and that he would return her to her later.

Between January 15 and 29: The days went by and the girl’s mother did not return. Nobody knew about her. Xiomara went to the garden to ask about the little girl and a teacher told her that on January 29 they would deliver a voucher, so she thought that Carolina would go with the little girl to pick it up.

January 29: Carolina went to the garden to claim the bonus, but she was not with Sara Sofía. He was with his sentimental partner, Nilson Díaz, and with two other minors. When asked about the girl, he replied that a lady was taking care of her. Having no news of the girl, he reported her as missing.

February 8th: Xiomara receives a message from Maricela, who told him that the girl had died. He said that Carolina told him that on January 18 she gave Sara Sofía lunch, put her to bed and, supposedly, saw her hours later and was dead. When they saw that, they wrapped the girl in a blanket, put her in a black bag and threw her into the Tunjuelito river. He added in his story that Carolina was a prostitute in Patio Bonito and that a man was taking advantage of her, who was watching her and taking all the money from her (Days later, Xiomara learns that this man would have been the one she spoke to and with whom Carolina went to collect the voucher in the garden). After hearing this, Xiomara went with Maricela to face Carolina, accompanied by the Police. They asked him to show where he had thrown the girl. Carolina reported that she had crossed a bridge and put the baby in the water. Carolina was arrested, but a few days later they released her because there was no formal complaint, nor had a body been found.

Pasture: Sara Sofía case: mother of the minor and her ex-boyfriend plead not guilty

Since then, the investigation began. In an interview with Nilson and Carolina by a CTI official, the latter changed her version of events and said that a woman in Patio Bonito had offered to take care of her and that she had given her to them.

March 17: Nilson Díaz, in an interview with Blu Radio, said that he was not a pimp, that he saw the girl well at the end of January and that he did not agree with Carolina taking Sara Sofía to live with them, because her four children were already there with the.

March 18th: The Police and the Prosecutor’s Office detain Carolina Galván and Nilson Díaz. The Prosecutor’s Office charged them with the crime of aggravated forced disappearance and they pleaded not guilty.

March, 19: A judge imposes an intramural security measure against the two suspects. The defense appealed the decision.

For now, and despite the fact that all of the above is known, little Sara Sofía Galván still does not appear, so the authorities continue to work on her search. So far the versions delivered are contradictory since, despite the logistical deployment carried out by the Police, nothing has been found in the Tunjuelito river, nor has the whereabouts of the alleged woman to whom they have been delivered been known.

If you have seen her or know something about her, you can contact the Police on the single line 305 747 7809.
