Santiago Uribe is favored by the Prosecutor’s Office: Yohir Akerman’s column


The journalist indicated in his text this week that this is demonstrated by the recent actions of the Prosecutor’s Office in relation to the environment of the former president.

The first episode, which he described as “embarrassing” was to announce that he will request the preclusion of the case for procedural fraud and witness manipulation against the former president; request that will be effective on April 6.

Now, says Akerman, the favors revolve around the farmer Santiago Uribe. And it is that this week the Prosecutor’s Office captured the most retired of the Police Juan Carlos Meneses, decorated during the mandate of Álvaro Uribe and a key witness who accuses his brother of participating in the murder of the bus driver Camilo Barrientos.

The arrest warrant was issued for several crimes committed between 2001 and 2002 “conspiracy to commit a crime for the purpose of homicide in association with the Self-Defense Forces, money laundering, fuel theft and illicit enrichment.”

The strange and “worrying” thing about that, the columnist noted, is that Meneses took refuge in the JEP because of the relationship of his crimes with the armed conflict and that makes the Prosecutor’s Office lose jurisdiction over him; all judicial decisions about him must be made by the peace court, “but that does not seem to matter to the Attorney General” of Barbosa.

Even Carlos Toro, a lawyer for the retired police officer, considers that said decision is “a retaliation for his statements in the case against Santiago Uribe”, as he told Noticias Caracol when his client was arrested in Cúcuta.

With all these arguments, a judge ordered his immediate release two days later, since Meneses was held in a gourd in the Sijín.

The columnist also recalls that Last November, the Prosecutor’s Office “refused to open a formal investigation of Santiago Uribe for allegedly promoting the creation of the Southwest Bloc of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (Auc), ”which committed crimes in Antioquia.

In the cases of the two brothers, the Prosecutor’s Office argued that there was insufficient evidence to link them to the crimes of which they are accused; Nevertheless, In the case of Santiago Uribe, there is the evidence for which he faced a trial for his apparent relationship with the paramilitary group ‘Los 12 Apóstoles’.

The trial against the brother of the former president ended last February and still the judge’s decision is awaited on whether he will be found guilty or will be exempt from the charges against him.
