Santa Marta: Family of the tourist from Bogotá who drowned in the Tayrona speaks – Other Cities – Colombia


César Augusto Bolaños Barriga and his wife, Natalia Rojas Murillo, were happy because they were finally making their honeymoon trip, which had to be postponed for several months due to the pandemic.

But they did not imagine that a few days after finishing it in Tayrona Park they would meet death head-on.

(What’s more: Bogota tourist tragedy: he drowned on a family walk in the Tayrona)

That happiness that seized the newly married couple was made known to their relatives, with whom they had constant communication during their journey through various cities in the Caribbean.

María Fernanda, Sister César Augusto, remembers that they both said that they enjoyed their time in Cartagena, Isla Barú and Palomino. However, what was most exciting for them was that they were going to see the landscapes and beaches of Tayrona.

In the nature reserve they had planned a great family gathering with cousins, brothers and their partners.

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The idea was to camp for about five days from Sunday when they began the adventure that had a fatal outcome.

“César and Natalia were adventurers who loved to travel and appreciate nature together. They had planned this tour since last year when they got married, but only now could they carry it out without imagining that everything would end so badly, “said the relative.

Bogota tourist

César Augusto Bolaño García, 33, a native of Bogotá, was enjoying a swim in the sea in Cabo San Juan,

María Fernanda still cannot believe that her brother’s dreams and joy have been extinguished in a matter of minutes.

“Everything happened very fast. He was bathing in the sea off Cabo San Juan and suddenly suffered a cramp in his foot. There was no one to help him in time and we lost him ”, the woman regrets.

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What angers the sister the most is that in the place, where she says there were more than 200 bathers among children, adults and the elderly, there was not a single lifeguard nor rescue elements or medical personnel who provided first aid .

In fact, bathing on the beach where Caesar died is allowed, Well, this sector is not considered dangerous, as are other places in Tayrona.

There was no one to help him in time and we lost him

“This painful fact could be avoided if the park had a correct emergency protocol, unfortunately they failed in everything and we pay the consequences,” he says.

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María Fernanda says that the tragedy could be greater, since César’s wife and other relatives in the effort to save his life almost also end up drowning.

“Many other tourists who came to help with clothing created a chain with which they managed to get everyone who was in the water out. Thank God the others if they could be saved ”, he adds.

It took 20 minutes for a nurse to arrive on the beach who, without the necessary equipment and adequate experience, He tried to revive César Bolaño, but there was nothing to do.

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“We did not even receive a note of solidarity from National Parks and the insurance company that had to assist us for the payment made at the entrance, nor did they respond with anything. We were left alone in the transfer of my brother’s body to Bogotá and with great pain and helplessness in our hearts, ”said the relative.

Roger urieles
For EL TIEMPO Santa Marta

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