Saber 11 tests: Everything you need to know to take the Icfes – Education – Life exam


The following two weekends will take place the Saber 11 tests on calendar A, the largest carried out by the Colombian Institute for the Evaluation of Education (Icfes) and which on this occasion will be presented by more than 574,000 final grade students .

Given the health emergency derived from the new coronavirus pandemic, this will be the first time that the exam takes place on four different days (normally it is carried out only one day), in order to guarantee the health of the students.

(Also read: Five key facts to know if you will do Saber Tests in a pandemic).

In this way, the tests will take place on November 7, 8, 14 and 15, two weekends. Contrary to what happened in previous years, this time students will have to take the test in a single session lasting five hours.

This was explained by Mónica Ospina Londoño, director of Icfes: “This application will be one of the greatest challenges for Icfes during this atypical year. To face this challenge we have the experience of the Institute team and the Biosafety Protocol adopted by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection for the protection and well-being of those evaluated, their families and the entire logistics team that works so that this State test is carried out successfully and safely. ”

(Read also: These are the dates for the Saber Pro Tests).

It is important that applicants check in advance the date and place of appointment in this link.

In the same way, it is important to clarify that, given the design of the test, it is necessary that it be carried out in person, contrary to what happens with the other Icfes tests, such as the Saber Pro or the Saber TyT, which will also be carried out in the coming days, but electronically, from home.

It should also be clarified that those who were going to present the Pre Saber (trial) tests, originally cited at the same time as the Saber 11, must now do so electronically from home between December 14 and 16.

(Also read: Know the citations of the Saber T&T Tests of the Icfes).

Given this, the Ministry of Health issued a protocol for the application of the exam in the classrooms, with safety instructions before, during and after the evaluation.

What are the biosecurity measures?

• The use of face masks at the application site and during the test is mandatory.

• Upon entering the exam, the temperature of all those mentioned will be taken, who must keep physical distance and follow all biosecurity recommendations provided.

• In classrooms there will be a distance of two meters between students.

(Read also: ‘She’, ‘he’ and not ‘elle’: RAE removes word from inclusive language).

• The number of students will vary according to the size of the room, and at no time will it exceed 15 people.

What should you bring?

The most important thing to do the tests is to carry the original identification document, be it citizenship card, identity card, password with photo or passport.

Photocopies will not be accepted, so if you have lost your identification, you must bring the corresponding report issued by the competent authorities. If this requirement is not met, the student will not be allowed to take the exam.

(Also read: Everything you need to know to do a postgraduate degree in Spain).

In the same way, you should bring a No. 2 pencil, cream eraser and pencil sharpener. Lending these items will not be allowed.

The use of cell phones or any other electronic device is prohibited. Using it may cause your exam to fail.

What time to arrive?

Each day there will be two different application schedules. Students will be summoned to one of the two.

In this way, a first appointment is from 7 am to 12:30 pm and the second from the same time until 6 pm

(Also read: Do students feel prepared to take Saber 11 Tests?).

The recommendation is to know the corresponding time in advance and arrive at the place at least 15 minutes before the assigned time to have enough time to answer the questionnaire (since now there will be less time to answer).

In other news

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– Learning English could be easier and faster by applying these tips.

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