Russia Says It Will Send Colombia COVID-19 Drug


The Russian Direct Investment Fund (FIDR) indicated in a statement, cited by Efe, that will supply the medicine to Colombia and other 16 countries in America, Asia, Africa and europe.

According to the official information, the commercial price of the drug Afivavir will be of 8,000 Russian rubles (399,000 pesos at today’s change).

This drug, which was approved in June by the Russian Ministry of Health, will be distributed massively in that nation from October and later it will be exported to dozens of countries that have already established agreements with the government of Vladimir Putin.

However, the Russian drug It is not the only option that Colombia is targeting, since a clinical study is also being prepared in the country to test the vaccine against COVID-19 that the pharmaceutical company is developing Janseen of the American company Johnson & Johnson.

What is Afivavir?

“He Afivavir not only is the first antiviral registered in Russia to treat the coronavirusbut maybe the most promising medicine today to cure the virus around the world, “he said on June 1 Kiril Dmítriev, general director of the FIDR, in a statement collected by Efe.

The official also assured in the document that the drug showed great effectiveness in human trials to affect the mechanisms of reproduction of the outbreak and generate a successful recovery in patients with COVID-19.

According to the Russian entity, this drug was developed and clinically tested “in record time”, which allowed it to become the first medicine based on the Favipiravir (antiviral produced in Japan) registered globally.
