Rodrigo Lara resigns from Cambio Radical and assures that there will be fraud in the 2022 elections


Photo: Senate of the Republic
Photo: Senate of the Republic

Rodrigo Lara, who resigned in the last hours from the Radical Change party, published a video on his Twitter account, in which he says that the reform of the Electoral Code, which includes the new virtual vote, is a gateway to a possible theft of elections in the year 2022. According to the legislator, it would be a “large-scale” fraud that would endanger the democracy that guarantees freedom and rights.

Keep reading: Discussions and voting on the reform of the new electoral code begin

“What is happening in the Congress of the Republic, on the Zoom virtual platform, which allows all kinds of abuses, is frankly worrying and aberrant, facing the 2022 elections,” the senator declared at the beginning of his statement.

“The Government has tried, in a sibylline way, to approve the introduction of virtual voting. In other words, a guaranteed fraud, an insured fraud “He continued and stated that Colombians abroad will be able to vote by email or an application and, since it is not known how many there are for sure, it would open the door to an election theft.

Lara affirmed that it allows the creation of false digital identities and, at the same time, the lack of a census to verify the reality of the sample, causes doubts in the senator. Added that The modality does not exist in any country in the world and it is intended to be implemented in Colombia with the sole purpose of carrying out electoral fraud.

“They granted extraordinary powers to the President of the Republic to handpick his friends as registrars in the country’s departments and cities. Third, they empowered the registrar to contract all programs, software, and databases. Electronic voting systems are handpicked, as if it were a matter of national security, ”Lara said in her summary of the reform being evaluated in congress.

He even pointed out that the Law of Guarantees, a rule that aims to limit the exchange of favors in pre-electoral times, will be repealed. “This allows opening the flow of jam, resources and hand-hiring in the middle of the electoral season,” and adds that no previous government had an “abuse” of democratic institutions like this one. In addition, he blamed the virtual Congress for allowing this proposal to be processed satisfactorily.

On the other hand, in a recent interview for RCN Radio, Senator Lara stated that His resignation from the Radical Change party is due to his objective of a social democratic reformism, based on solidarity and focused on promoting economic activity.

When asked if all those objectives that he seeks are no longer found in the party, the senator replied: “I believe that Dr. Germán Vargas should have been the president, he was the man the country needed in this deep crisis. I have very definite ideological convictions regarding this liberal social democratic reformism and I believe that this process must be built, it does not really exist ”.

The senator for Human Colombia, Gustavo Petro, also joined the warning of possible electoral fraud in 2022 and also warned about the repeal of the Guarantees Law. According to the senator, “Public money will flow in the electoral campaigns.”

Roy Barreras, dissident senator from the La U party, joins the alert of a possible discard of the Guarantees Law, whose elimination would end “Facilitating the contract fair in the four months prior to the elections and using public goods for campaigns, in the hands of a government concentrating power.”

What does the elimination of the Guarantees Law mean?

Law 996 of 2005, better known as the Guarantees Law, was a regulation of the elections for administrative positions by the Congress of the Republic that guarantees equal conditions between candidates. On the occasion of the re-election of Álvaro Uribe Vélez, the guarantees law set limits on campaign spending, authorized campaign months, maximum contribution amounts for donors, access to media and restrictions on public contracting to avoid exchanges of favors by officials elected before the elections.

Although there is talk of a reform to the Electoral Code, the registrar explicitly speaks of the elimination of the Law of Guarantees. That is, since the 2022 elections and possible atypical votes, candidates will have a free hand in receiving donations from individuals and will be able to access political propaganda without regulation, among other things.

In accordance with the purpose of economic reactivation of the elimination of the Law, the point that the governors request to be discarded is that of restrictions on hiring 4 months prior to elections. The fragment, which covers governors, municipal and district mayors, secretaries, managers and directors of decentralized entities of the municipal, departmental or district order, ruling that contracts cannot be made with public resources to prevent these actors from engaging in political proselytizing with state money.

It would also eliminate points that prohibit harassment or pressure by these officials to subordinates to support political campaigns, the promotion of promotions or promotions to those who belong to the same political purpose, the promotion of the vote in actions of the public administration and the dismissal of career officials without justification.

In the Santos government, an attempt was made to modify this justified Law because reelection does not exist in the country and there is no efficiency in public management. On that occasion, Santos intended to eliminate the subsection that prohibited inter-administrative agreements with governments and municipalities.


Senators warn about elimination of the Guarantees Law with reform of the Electoral Code

They are the mighty Gilinski
