River Plate vs Rosario Central


Making a “v” with your two fingers, Rafael Santos Borré celebrated a new goal with the River Plate shirt, the first in the 2021 season of the Argentine League.

The Colombian forward he started in the match against Rosario Central and after 37 minutes he pushed the ball to the back of the net to sentence the 1-0 of the meeting.

Jorge Carrascal, new 10 of the “millionaire” team, was also a starter in this meeting and had an unremarkable presentation in an “oiled” team that showed a great game against the “scoundrels.

Borré Amaurí is already the top scorer in the Marcelo Gallardo era and as your contract ends in June 2021, the next few months will be crucial to define what will happen to a player who also wants to be called by Reinaldo Rueda to the Colombian National Team.

The other goals of the match were scored by Gonzalo Montiel and Nicolás de la Cruz, who celebrated the second and third goals, respectively.

Borré’s goal at River Plate vs. Rosario Central

Rafael Santos Borré remains one of the important players of the ‘millionaire’ And with this great goal, in which he only had to push her, he celebrated the partial 1-0:

It is not known why he celebrated by making this gesture, which is the same as the one they do in different countries in favor of vaccination against COVID-19.

It could also be related to a follower of yours because in Argentina there are several children who have identified with the Colombian scorer. In fact, this week the video of a boy who was very happy about Borré’s shirt was known:

Another of the reasons can be related to a family message because recently his daughter Guadalupe was born, although it would not have anything to do with a “v”.
