Ricardo Ciciliano, in intensive care for pneumonia


Ricardo Ciciliano, a well-known Colombian ex-footballer who played for several FPC teams such as Millonarios, Cali, Junior, Once Caldas, among others, He is admitted to the intensive care unit of the La Asunción clinic in Barranquilla, due to pneumonia that has him in a delicate state of health.

The Barranquillero, has been in the ICU of this hospital since last Monday, August 31After relapsing from pneumonia that had previously made him spend 20 days in this same clinic. Although he had been discharged, Ciciliano had to be taken to the emergency room again and last Friday, after 4 days in the ICU, the doctors saw the need to intubate him due to his serious respiratory problems.

In dialogue with the Heraldo de Barranquilla, the former player’s mother referred to her son’s health status and assured that he has been somewhat better after the crisis he suffered: “It was in crisis yesterday (Saturday, September 5), but we already received a more favorable part, the miracle of God is being performed, the part was very favorable “.

Further, Ms. Azalia Bustillo indicated that for now Ciciliano is not going to leave, as the improvement process is just beginning: “For now I don’t think he’s going to get out, he just started his recovery, yesterday he was very bad,” and added: “He hadn’t realized that he came with pneumonia, when he wanted to go to the doctor and the disease had advanced a lot. He had come a long time ago down, he took care of the flu as best he could and did not go to the doctor. “

Finally, he thanked that he was not infected with COVID-19: “Thank God it’s not Covid, all his tests came back negative. It is a badly treated flu that gave him pneumonia. “Currently, Ciciliano continues to be linked to football and works as an assistant for the Atlantic teams.
