reveal strange ritual in the National Police


Colonel Gómez spoke after the decision of the Attorney General’s Office to dismiss and disqualify ex-commander of the National Police Rodolfo Palomino for 13 years. According to him, this proves him right when, at the time, he made the complaint about sexual and labor harassment practices within the institution.

In addition to this, Colonel Reinaldo Gómez spoke of the accusations raised against him by initiation rituals of the cadets who enter to take a course in the Police. According to Blu Radio, such practices include “smearing them in molasses.”

“The ritual of the carabineros is like an initiation ritual. It is false that I have eaten manure in that ritual, “said Gómez, on that station.

In addition, he said that in the Police there have been rituals, but not only for those who start, also for their superiors.

“The baptism was not only for subordinates, but also for superiors. I, unlike many officers, do not handle double standardsThe colonel pointed out.

General Rodolfo Palomino case

Gómez assures that he was the victim of harassment by General (r) Palomino and received pressure from him.

“He (Palomino) was a lieutenant colonel and I was a lieutenant. It was a work apocalypse. They even tried to kidnap me. I am certain that they were members of the same Police ”, he denounced, and acknowledged that he kept silent for several years his complaints, but some time ago he decided to speak because there is already more freedom of thought and identity in Colombia.

He also told Semana magazine that his complaints were made through a recording in which it is evidenced that there “Labor persecution when I did not accept claims that at the time (Palomino) made me.”

Given this, he was sanctioned by General Palomino himself, and for that reason he went to a different instance to defend himself.

“He walks into my office with a few drinks on his head and in his hand he had a glass of liquor, and he told me that he liked me, that he wanted to have something with me. I respectfully tell him that I like women and I leave the office in shock. Time passed and we did not see each other again, but as a result of a job in the Citizen Security Directorate of Cali, and with such bad luck, I was left under Palomino’s orders, ”Gómez said in Semana.

Due to the above, and after several acts of workplace harassment, the colonel decides to report Palomino to the Attorney General’s Office, which ends in the decision that was known this week in Colombia.
