Rescue of woman floating for hours in the sea in Atlantic


Fishermen who were in a boat found a woman floating adrift in the sea, They rescued her, gave her first aid and later took her to a medical center in Salgar, a village located in Puerto Colombia (Atlántico)

The event was recorded in a video recorded by the fishermen themselves, in which it is appreciated that the 46-year-old woman, who was identified as Angélica Gaitán, was quite weak. The authorities are still unclear how she came to be three kilometers from the beach and They are investigating whether it was launched from a boat or whether in an act of desperation it decided to proceed in that way.

Bernardo Howard, one of the doctors who treated her, told the newspaper El Heraldo that the woman was going through quite a few personal difficulties. “Apparently, the lady was getting divorced from her husband who left her here a few months ago. She is alone and was welcomed in a foster home. Yesterday the woman learned that they had separated her from the EPS and the foster home announced that they were not going to attend to her anymore and they took her out“Said the doctor.

Howard, who led the attention to women, also spoke to Semana magazine and confirmed the conditions in which she arrived at the health center. “She arrived very weak, unconscious, she could be in the middle of the hypothermic phases, she arrived bradycardic, hypotensiveShe arrived with several layers of clothing, we had to cut her off to start the resuscitation maneuvers, she was hydrated and after two hours she began to react and we were able to establish contact with her (…) She arrived with her lung capacity intact, she was weak and dehydrated. Timely support from rescuers was essential”, He assured.

RCN Radio established that women it was about 8 hours floating in the sea and that she was assaulted for several years by her ex-husband.

Video of the rescue of a woman who was floating in the sea

Here are the images of the rescue:
