Removals during the pandemic in Colombia


Drafting Economy.

The Ministry of Housing and the Ministry of Transport issued guidelines on the matter. The service must be provided through legally authorized companies.

The removal service must be provided by authorized transport companies.Archive

The Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Housing issued a joint circular with the guidelines to be able to provide the removal service in the country. The document is addressed to companies that offer this type of cargo transportation.

Therefore, the transfers and removals can be done through legally authorized companies, the Housing Minister, Jonathán Malagón, recalled during the already habitual presidential transmission at 6 in the afternoon.

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“The move can only be carried out with strict compliance by the interested party and the company providing the service with the biosafety protocols to mitigate, control and carry out the adequate management of the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic established by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, whose compliance is subject to verification at any time by the corresponding territorial authority, “said the Ministry of Transport through a statement.

The portfolio added that the interested parties, such as the companies providing the cargo transport service, “must comply with the other guidelines that on the mandatory preventive isolation have been established by the national government and territorial entities as authorities within each jurisdiction.”

The joint circular also establishes that when it comes to the provision of the public cargo transportation service, it will be subject to the inspection, surveillance and control of the Transportation Superintendence.

The Mintransporte recalled that general measures should also be followed, such as that there must be a distance between people of at least one meter inside the cargo transport vehicle.

“Likewise, it is necessary to keep the vehicle ventilated and plan the routes, and for long-distance journeys, the places in which stops can be made to fill fuel, rest, use the toilets and stay overnight if necessary” he added.

Lastly, he indicated, “it must be guaranteed that all workers apply basic self-care measures such as the adequate use of personal protection elements, constant hand washing and maintaining physical distance.”


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2020-05-12T20: 25: 47-05: 00



Drafting Economy.


Learn about the measures with which the movements in the country are resumed during the isolation



