Reinaldo Rueda: how long would his contract with the Colombian National Team go? Qatar 2022 and more qualifiers | Colombia selection


Reinaldo Rueda has already defined his professional situation. This December 31, or at the latest the first days of January, his separation from the ANFP will be confirmed and he will cease to be the Chilean coach; likewise, the Colombian Soccer Federation finalizes details to reach a definitive agreement and announce the Valle del Cauca as the new coach of the Colombian National Team.

Rueda will replace Carlos Queiroz, who after four rounds in the Qatar 2022 Qualifiers added 4 points and lost his last two games resoundingly against Uruguay and Ecuador. Thus, Reinaldo will have the difficult mission of trying to change the course of Colombia in the qualifiers and take it to the World Cup.

In his first cycle, Rueda assumed in Colombia with four dates played in the 2006 World Cup Qualifiers, and, although he made an outstanding performance and great sum of points, he did not achieve the goal and was one unit away from reaching the playoffs. And since he couldn’t classify Colombia, they cut off his process.

However, this time Reinaldo Rueda Rivera would have secured his right to extend his work plan and his sports project; so after the Qatar Qualifiers, his legacy would continue in the Federation.

According to journalist Diego Rueda, from ‘Vbar Snail’, Consulting with Federation leaders who are close to negotiations with Reinaldo, he assured that the contract he is about to sign would run until 2026, that is, it would continue for the World Cup qualifiers organized by Canada, Mexico and the United States. We will have to wait for the officialization.
