Regularization of Venezuelans and other keys to Joe Biden’s letter to Iván Duque


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In a brief letter addressed to the president of Colombia, Iván Duque, Joe Biden congratulated the president, among other things, for the recently announced Statute of Venezuelan migrants.

The state of the relationship between Colombia and the United States with the arrival of Joe Biden to power was still blurred until a few days ago. However, today the US president sent an emotional letter to his Colombian counterpart, Iván Duque, in which he praised measures such as the temporary protection status for Venezuelan migrants recently announced by local authorities. He also referred to the courage of all Colombians: “The world has changed considerably since our conversation in 2018 in Bogotá, but my deep respect for the courage, sacrifice and perseverance of the Colombian people remains intact.”

On the immigration issue, Biden said: “I want to applaud your decision to grant temporary legal protection status to more than 1.7 million Venezuelan migrants who have fled to Colombia to escape the violence and suffering of the Venezuelan regime.” And he added: “The right thing is not always the most convenient from the political point of view, but the hallmark of true leadership.”

Can read: Duque insists on his desire to “work hand in hand with President Biden”

The letter was sent on February 17, and the president of the United States did not miss the opportunity to affirm that he was committed to a bipartisan agenda that promotes the prosperity of the country and ensures peace throughout the territory. “Colombia is a country close and special to my heart and I look forward to our work together,” he added.

Last January, just on the day of Biden’s inauguration, Duque stated: “We have seen with the United States that trade grows, investment grows and security cooperation grows. We have common fronts: we are the two oldest democracies in the hemisphere, we are of doors to celebrate 200 years of diplomatic relations and Thanks to this bipartisan approach, Colombia has been able to count on support that began 20 years ago with the Colombia plan, ”said Duque.
