“Really, in me you will see a very complete player”: Juan David Rodríguez


You can see that he has a professional career on top of him. Juan David Rodríguez speaks with the same security, confidence and solvency that he has been seen playing in Once Caldas, a team from which he comes to Junior on loan for one year, with a purchase option.

How did Junior arrive and what are the expectations?

Expectations are obviously very high. I come to work and do my best. How much or little I have learned in my sports career, put it at the service of this great institution, accompanied by the great players here. We are going to fight to give titles and joys to the fans of Barranquilla.

Was this signing expected or was it a surprise?

We had already talked to my representative on some occasion about this option. It was possible to give after spending two and a half years in the Eleven doing things well. This is a major challenge for my career. You always want to progress and grow and this is a nice opportunity to do so.

People mention a lot that he played with Víctor Cantillo and Andrés Ricaurte in Leones. How do you describe your style of play?

I am a mixed midfielder or central midfielder who I fit very well in the double five or as an interior on either side. I really like stepping on the area, reaching a goal. I also like to defend with the ball to play facing the rival goal. I am a very multifunctional player, I am from two areas, very responsible when it comes to defending, very tactical too, I have ball handling, long game, short game, I like to reach the area to score goals. Really that in me you will see a very complete player, perhaps similar or perhaps different from my two companions that you mentioned. Victor is perhaps a more physical player, who plays a little further back, who likes to be the first pass more. I like both, to be the first pass and to gain a little more height so that the ball reaches me later. Andrés Ricaurte is a little more pass goal. We all have our essence. We may be alike, but we can all have something different.

I imagine that when the three of you played, you played the ball like a corozó?

Yes, I really enjoyed them. We understood each other very well, not only because of how well we played, but because of the friendship we had. We really understood each other perfectly, we complemented each other very well. Víctor was the prime, Andrés was the ’10’ pass-goal and I was the one who accompanied them at all times. That is why they are where they are, one in the United States and one in Brazil. I have been given the opportunity to join this great team to continue growing.

Did you talk to Cantillo about what Junior meant?

I haven’t really had a chance to talk to him now, but I have before, when he was here. He told me that he was very happy here, that this was a great team. He gave me very good references. Now I have to experience it firsthand.

What things would you like to polish about your football?

Many things. I would like to be a much more aggressive player on the mark, to have a better middle distance, although I do it well, I would like to be more effective at that. There is much to correct. I would like to be faster and better in the offensive passing game, in defense I am doing well. We are working because there is no perfect player.

Where was it formed?

I left the Student Sports Club in Antioquia. From there I went to Águilas Doradas, from Itagüí at that time.

Why did you never go through the two big teams from Medellín?

The opportunity was never given, nor did I go to perform when I was little. When those calls came out, everyone ran to appear in Medellín and Nacional, not me. Already grown up I have not been given the opportunity. Surely there have been conversations and options, but nothing official.

I have not found anyone who gives a bad opinion of you as a footballer and person. Everything is positive. Why doesn’t he have a more recognized name in Colombian soccer?

We all have our processes. Each path is different, each one goes at its own pace. There are players who, very young, make it to big teams and go abroad in one or two years and then reach a place where they quickly stagnate. They start very young. I have gone in ascending mode, with patience, walking safe. I have also always wondered why I am not in another place today if I have conditions, but the paths are different. I know I still have a lot to give. Now I’m here and I’m enjoying it. I would tell lies if I didn’t say that I would have liked to get it earlier, but I’m on my way and I can’t judge that.

Which players do you admire from the current Junior?

Many. Obviously playing with Teo must be a huge pleasure, with Freddy Hinestroza too, I’ve known him since he was in the Antioquia League, he played with Ferrov VALVES and he seemed like an exquisite player. With Viáfara I could already play (in Águilas). I would also love to play with Marlon (Piedrahíta) because he is very technical, in very good condition. Junior is full of extraordinary players, I feel that together we can develop ourselves. A scorer like Borja is also a pleasure, players like Didier, Larry, Sherman. In the arch there is an idol like Viera. They are going to give me the best of them and I am going to give them the best of me.

What is your goal in Junior?

I would tell you lies if I did not say that the main objective is to be a champion. You dream about it. There are more specific objectives such as enhancing my performance, playing as many games as possible, making myself known a lot more, playing an international tournament, at Once Caldas I could only do it in one game. God willing and can fulfill it. I came to work hard.

Did you manage to study a career in parallel to football?

I graduate in April from International Business. This year I finished my university degree, I already finished the subjects and I took the ECAES exam.

How could you divide the time?

With so much technology there are many ways to study. That was purely virtual. We footballers have a lot of time left. Obviously we have to be connected in our work, but dedicating two or three hours a day to studying will help us a lot. You learn to speak, read, communicate, you educate yourself, cultivate yourself and be more respectful.
