Reality of COVID-19 is worse than shown: Colombian Medical Federation


In dialogue with BLU radio, the vice president of the Colombian Medical Federation, Carolina Corcho, said that Colombia is using less than 50% of test processing capacity to detect coronavirus. He indicated that, according to data from the National Institute of Health, in the country can process 55,000 PCR tests. However, there are days in which only 25,000.

“Colombia was doing at the time of the first peak in August, 3.3 tests for each contact detected. Countries that have controlled the pandemic have carried out 100 tests for each contact detected “he explained.

He added that insufficient testing is being done and that the epidemiological reality is much worse than what the INS figures are showing.

A study by the National University has suggested that we could only be seeing 30% of what is happening through the figures that are being presented to us

said cork.

Regarding the decrease in daily COVID-19 tests, Dr. Corcho expressed that from the Federation this decrease seems unjustifiable and that there are quite a few high-risk personnel in Colombia, which should have already had massive tests, such as health workers, banking personnel and the food sector, among others. The vice president added that “the guard was lowered when conducting tests.”

The Colombian Medical Federation also stated that the measures taken by the National Government for the management of the coronavirus have been insufficient, and that the results, from the epidemiological point of view, do not reflect a good management of the pandemic.
