Raizal de Providencia complains about lack of government aid in a video – People – Culture


More than 15 days after Hurricane Iota wreaked havoc on the islands of San Andrés and Providencia, there have been testimonies from its inhabitants, who accuse the authorities of lack of aid.

(Read also: The impressive before and after Providencia after the passage of Iota).

The situation is especially serious in Providencia, since the destruction was almost total (98%, according to official information). From there, some islanders have shared their stories and pointed out what they think of the state support they have received so far.

In the last hours A particularly dramatic video went viral in which a Raizal refers to the situation that he and his countrymen are going through.

In the clip, which lasts just over two minutes, he denounces the “clumsiness” of some measures that have been implemented and shows the magnitude of the damage from where he is.

(You may be interested: They ask for help for tourism workers in Providencia).

“Look what is happening in Providencia,” he began. “All the tents they gave away got wet, all the people. Not even the ‘scouts’ when they go camping get wet, because the tents are better”he added, referring to people who go to rural areas to camp for entertainment.

I will never accept being Colombian

Added to this is that in recent days there have been heavy rains due to the passage of a cold front, which was alerted by Ideam on November 30. This generated many effects on the victims.

“By God, what does this government think? Here we are human. And not because this happened, are they going to do what they want and give people what they think is good in Colombia (SIC) “, he sentenced.

(We recommend: New alert in San Andrés for the cold front that will reach the island).

In addition, he pointed out that he did not feel the nationality of the country as his own and that this form of support he was receiving made him reaffirm his position.

“That’s why I tell you, I am not a Colombian ‘f … ing’. I am Chinese, mixed with islander and African. I will never accept being Colombian and now much more, because it is an outrage and a lack of respect“he exclaimed vehemently.

Later, he referred to a delivery of simcards that they were being given to help them.

“They brought some chips here to give to people the second day (after) the hurricane passed. And they still say ‘you have to go to the website to register’, after there is a disaster. Please, what lack of I respect a community, “added the man.

(You may also be interested in: The plan to rebuild Providencia in 100 days).

The video generated an avalanche of comments and criticism of the Government from users of social networks. Urban artist Jiggy Drama, who hails from San Andrés, commented on Twitter: “I mean, how are you going to ask someone who was left without a home and being held incommunicado for days to register on a page!”

(If you read us from the app, you can see the video here).

“Very painful situation in Providencia, listen to one of the victims …”, said, in turn, journalist Daniel Samper Ospina, who also asked his followers to share the video.

The Providencia reconstruction plan promoted by the national government

After the magnitude of the losses on the island was known, President Iván Duque warned that a 100-day reconstruction plan would be carried out. From that time, the first ten were to be used to collect debris and clean garbage.

Currently, the reconstruction is in its second phase, which aims to reestablish services such as telecommunications, the aqueduct and sewerage, and guarantee the islanders a home.

“In Providencia we will focus on the construction of 1,200 new homes and we will carry out another 400 improvements to the structures that remained standing and are habitable. Together with the community, we will build a new island of Providencia, where its inhabitants will once again have a decent and proper roof ”, said a few days ago the Minister of Housing, Jonathan Malagón.

