Rains in the last hours caused emergencies in Santander


According to the balance provided by César García, director of Risk Management, the heavy rains registered in the last hours in the department generated minor emergencies in some road corridors in the department. “We are working on the reestablishment of these vehicular crossings. So far there is passability on the main roads, ”García mentioned.

In addition, he reported that in the municipality of Socorro there were some minor effects due to the growing of the Guayacana stream.

Also read: Video: Giant rocks fall to the San Gil – Bucaramanga road after a strong storm.

The San Gil – Bucaramanga and San Gil – Socorro national roads are restricted by falling rocks. The situation is attended by Invías.

In addition: A strong storm caused an emergency in El Socorro, Santander.

Finally, in El Carmen de Chucurí, a lightning strike affected the Hospital’s power plant.

“The call is for prevention, to drive with great caution when rains occur and try not to do so at night. Let us bear in mind that at this time there are rock falls and landslides, as well as floods and torrential avenues due to heavy rainfall ”, said the Director of the DGRD Santander.

He also called on relief agencies and operational entities of the departmental risk management system to activate contingency plans to address any emergency that may arise.
