Rains: 3 officials of the Panamanian consulate missing in Huila – Other Cities – Colombia


The heavy rains in the afternoon and night on Monday caused serious emergencies due to floods and overflows of the Río Frío at the height of the municipality of Rivera, Huila, where a vehicle with Panamanian diplomats was dragged.

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In the car they moved Telma Deleise Barria Finch, the consul in Colombia; Pedro Cantillo, 62, diplomatic attaché, and Manala García Lozada, lawyer for the consulate.

These last two are missing, but the lifeless body of
Barria Pinzón, 60 years old.

The affected people were traveling by car on a road in the La Alto Guadual village but the force of the waters ended up dragging the car that was left in the middle of the waters of the Frío River, a mighty tributary that every winter generates floods and damages in houses and crops in the rural area of ​​Rivera.

“Foreign Ministry regrets the death of the Consul of Panama in Colombia and her husband. We send our solidarity to his family, colleagues and friends at this difficult time, “said the Colombian government.

Aid agencies have been searching for the other missing since last night.

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“It has rained a lot and the Río Frío fell with force causing material damage in several sidewalks,” said a peasant from Rivera, a neighboring town of Neiva.

Another similar emergency caused the rains in the limits with the municipalities of El Pital and Tarqui, Huila, where a car with passengers was dragged by the waters of the Lagunilla stream.

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The Civil Defense and firefighters managed to rescue the driver and two passengers who were unharmed in the middle of the flood, but in the end the vehicle was brought to shore with the help of farmers and tractors.

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