Queiroz’s departure from the National Team is imminent, but it costs money


This was reported by the Caracol Radio journalist, Darcy Quinn, who pointed out that to remove the Portuguese coach and his team of collaborators, the Colombian Soccer Federation would have to pay him 2 million dollars, equivalent to approximately 7,300 million pesos, resources that for these days they are scarce in the governing body of Colombian soccer.

The journalist from the 6AM Hoy por Hoy program said that a payment plan is being studied at this time, since the strategist’s contract is “widely armored.”

The ‘chicharrón’ to remove the Portuguese coach will be in the hands of the president of the Federation Ramón Jesurum, who was the one who brought Carlos Queiroz, after he did not have good communication with the former coach of the national team, the Argentine José Pékerman.

For Quinn, a result like that of the win from Ecuador is “totally unacceptable” and the silence of the national football managers is due to the fact that they would be making a final decision regarding the Portuguese.

The journalist spoke of some They speculate that Pékerman will return but it is a very unlikely situation because the Argentine strategist did not leave in good terms of the Selection.

The program El Vbar, on Caracol Radio, pointed out the possible departure of the Portuguese strategist in this trill:

Who could replace Carlos Queiroz in the Colombian National Team?

Another of the obstacles that the Federation must overcome at this time is the replacement of Carlos Queiroz, who is speculated that he would be a Colombian, and even the name of Juan Carlos Osorio, who in recent weeks left the direction of Atlético Nacional and who showed poor performance with the ‘purslane’ team.

Osorio has had some health problems due to the coronavirus and weighs on him that, as Deportes RCN expresses it, is “a symbol of division in the fans and his arrival would give much to talk about.”

Another strategist that could sound, according to the media, is the technical director of the Chilean team Reinaldo Rueda, who has also been questioned about his poor results with that team.

On the other hand, the possibility that the replacement was the Italian Carlo Ancelotti, current director of English Everton, where the Colombian midfielder James Rodríguez plays, had been considered, but the same technician discarded the idea and, on the contrary, defended what was done by Queiroz.

Among the strategists with fewer options to occupy the position, foreigners and Colombians, are the former Argentine player Marcelo Gallardo, who knows very well the profile of the Colombian player and promotes it, according to RCN, as well as Jorge Sampaoli, ‘Bolillo’ Gómez, Miguel Ángel Russo (former Millionaires technician) and Luis Fernando Suárez.

Why is Carlos Queiroz leaving the Colombian National Team?

A bulky loss at home (0-3) against Uruguay and an embarrassing defeat received as a visitor (6-1) against Ecuador were the straw that broke the camel’s back and that exposed apparent problems between some players and of these and the coach.

The alleged assault, with physical violence included, between James Rodríguez and Jefferson Lerma, the tension that would have been generated by the captaincy against Uruguay and the “lack of chemistry” between the strategist and the players would also have aggravated the situation.

For Marca magazine, this crisis within the Colombian team requires a prompt solution to straighten the route to Qatar in 2022 and facing the Copa América next year, a tournament that Colombia will host; therefore, one of the solutions would be the departure of strategist Carlos Queiroz.

This video from Semana magazine analyzes the moment between the players and coach Queiroz:
